Friday, July 09, 2010

Siput Gong Gong

Another repeat telecast..actually the recipe given by Diana, there's no accurate amount, she just noted she used all the ingredients below but I adjusted to my taste...sorry also recipe in English I just copy and paste from the last entry..

2kg siput gong gong(washed & cleaned, a few times cause slimy)
1 big onion sliced
1 lemongrass crushed-Ayu added 2
1 red chili sliced
3-4 birds eye chillies (Just throw inside)-Ayu used more
1 tbsp belachan (mashed)-Ayu used belacan granules aje
water to estimate as long cover the gong gong
2-3 dried tamarind sliced
salt and msg to taste
Add all the ingredients in a pot and put to boil. Boil till cooked and use the toothpick to 'cungkil' the meat.According to Diana, dip in sambal belachan. But for me I just eat like that with rice pun sedap.
Sources: From Koleksi resepi pilihan Diana


  1. salam ayu
    pandainye ayu makan siput ni..akak tak pernah lagi makan..huhu nak le raseeee...kirim sekilo...siap masak hahaha..mcm mana nak kuarkan isinyeee..? siput mcm2 dah makan..mentarang..tau ker ayu? kat kuala selangor byk..dah 10thn idam tak dpt2 kL ni payah sikit..kat melaka byk lokan dll...mentarang tak de..siput ni belom nmpak lagi..

  2. adik beradik "escargot" ke ni? very french lah kak ayu, hehe :)

  3. salam kak..
    camne la rasa siput2 nih erk?! tak penah makan! tau makan siput sedut jerk! heeee... nk makan kene tarik ke sedut kak?!

  4. jalilah -walkslm, dulu kita pun tak pernah makan ni..tapi lepas pergi keblog diana tu..kita cubalah beli dlm 1kg and masak rebus gini..amboi, sedapnya tak terhingga..hehehe..

    kog - 'escargot' tak pernah try..kalau suruh pun akak tak nak..hahaha...itu baru dikatakan melayu..bukan french..kiki

    hana - walsklm, rasanya kenyal2 macam sotong pun ada, sedap tau..nak makan kena cungkil dengan toothpick dari lubang kecil kat bawah, masukkan tootpick, then tolakkan keluar..kalau sedut sampai tahun depan pun dia tak keluar..kikiki..


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