Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Lontong & Sayur Lodeh

 Ok this was the lontong that we had last Friday for my break fast, macam dah lama tak makan lontong, so made this lah since auntie also loves lontong, macam hari raya pulak eh..hehe... sorry the recipe was in English, cause I posted this before..for the sambal tumis, I forgot to take the shot, anyway, sambal tumis telur burung mixed with chicken eggs biasa aje...

Frankly, since I started blogging, most of the dishes and menu that I dont get to do during my working years I managed to do, especially simple dishes like this which I cant even cooked before!!!..bayangkanlah tu....
betapa lah punya kekurangan skill kan..hehe..maklumlah dulukan career woman!!..Aaaapuih!! heheheh

Ramai juga career women tapi dia orang pandai jugak masakkan..entahlah, dulu2 kan tinggal dengan mak, kira manjalah ni..hehe....tahu balik rumah dah siap tinggal makan aje...but since my mum sekarang dah tak berapa 'active' di dapur I took overlah..nasib baik dah berhenti kerja, my mum cakap..kalau tak makan ajelah apa yang dia masak..heheh..

1 small cabbage sliced
5-6 long beans sliced diagonally
1 small yam bean sliced like a match stick
some dried soy bean sticks soften
2 hard bean curd cut in quarters and fried- put aside
2 bay leaves
2 red chillies sliced
1 turmeric leaf sliced and tie a knot
1 tbsp coriander powder
2 litre coconut milk which has been mixed with water

*Blended Ingredients:-
3 candle nut
2 lemongrass
1cm galangal
2 inches fresh turmeric root
5 cloves garlic
1 big onion
10 dried chili soaked
a handful of dried shrimps soften

Heat oil in pan.saute *blended ingredients till fragrant and add in coriander powder and all the vegetables except the fried bean curd. After that add in the coconut milk, fried bean curd, bay leaves and turmeric leaf. Let it boil for a while and keep on stirring so as the coconut milk wont be curdle. Add in salt, MSG and a bit of sugar.Ready to be serve together with Lontong.
Sources:-From rossya bakes fotopages


  1. salam kak ayu..aduh enaknya..seri kalo raye mmg inilah hidangan wajib yg mak dan embah kt kg sediakan..rindunye nk makan..mmg yg lontong original dari daun pisang tu..:)

  2. sedapnya kak ayu...dah lama tak makan...ari tu masa wat nasi impit lupa lak nak buat lodeh..;-(

  3. o my god... why, kak ayu, whyyy? kat tengah kl ni memang takde lontong sedap (or i don't know where to get them) huaaa, rasa nak nangis tengok gambar camni :(

  4. Baru je termimpi makan lontong dan sayur lodeh semalam...esh.. kecur le plak ni!

  5. mummyseri - walkslm, aahlah seri, semenjak 2menjak ni, lauk2 raya dan kuih2 raya macam memanggil2 suruh buat..hehe

    lovely kitchen - tak apalah, ena, lain kali buat ya..sekarang telan air liur aje dulu..hehe

    kog - hehe..oo, its my god too..hehe
    lontong buat sendirilah kog paling sedap..sebab kita boleh bubuh apa yg kita suka..

    mamafami - hehe dalam mimpi mama, kita da tak ma?..hehe..hari ni kita puasa, kita tengok lontong ni pun kita lapar balik..caya tu..huhu


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