Thursday, July 08, 2010

Sizzling Yee Mee

 Salam, by the time I posted this entry, its already Thursday morning and its 1 am...everybody has  already in their dreamworld and some are' floating' out there....well just wanted to post this first, as I will be quite busy tomorrow today, coordinating certain things, for this coming weekend..what is it that I will be busy about ya?...will update that when the time comes...will post some more entries if time permits ya...

Meanwhile, I have been making my repeat telecast recipes this past few days,  which quite sometimes I have not been making them, and will be shown in my next few entries, so please bear with me ...I had this for my break fast yesterday..done this before, you can check it out, as the last time the recipes are in English..Of course I made some adjustments for myself, with what available in the fridge...Please adjust ikut selera masing2 ya..I tak letak tepung jagung pun, sebab suka berkuah..masukkan mee dulu baru pecahkan telur sebab, I suka telur 3/4 masak....dan biasalah cili padi mesti ada, sebab lebih 'afdal' untuk tekak saya ni....hehehe..

Thank you to the dear owner, for this nice recipe..I put up here again for sharing ya..

Bahan2 untuk 2-3 org:-
2-3 sanggul (gulung) yee mee
5 ulas bawang putih
5 biji cendawan shitake ( cendawan kering)- rendam sehingga agak lembut dan potong 4
1 keping dada ayam- potong mengikut citarasa
3 biji cili kering- potong 2
2 sudu besar sos tiram
3 sudu besar kicap cair
1 sudu besar kicap pekat
1/2 in halia- hiris nipis
Serbuk lada hitam
garam- secukup rasa
Beberapa titik Minyak bijan
1 sudu besar Tepung jagung- dibancuh dgn sedikit air
sedikit minyak utk menumis
Tumis bawang putih, cili kering dan halia sehingga naik baunya.
Masukkan ayam yg telah potong sehingga agak empuk.
Masukkan 2 cawan air.
Masukkan pula sos tiram, kicap cair dan kicap pekat. Masukkan pula serbuk lada hitam. Biarkan mendidih.
masukkan cendawan serta sayur2 lain- tunggu 2-3 min.
Masukkan campuran tepung jagung dan kacau.
Titikkan minyak bijan beberapa titik-jgn banyak2...
Akhir sekali, masukkan yee mee- biarkan sebentar & hidangkan panas2.

 The Yee Mee that I used.

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