Monday, August 23, 2010

Bamiah Arab - 11th Day Iftar

This bamiah is another version compared to the last time I made..the last time I used the readymade rempah bamiah....this time tak gunakan tu, just use bahan2 yang biasa ada didapur...I guessed for those kawan2 yang di Malaysia, rempah bamiah rasa2nya tak ada dijual disana boleh lah cuba bamiah yang ini ...

600g topside beef- roast in dry pan over low heat
3 tbsp coriander powder
2 tsp cumin seeds-Ayu used powder
1 tsp fennel seeds-Ayu used powder
12 dried chillies

1 tsp white peppercorns
1 pieces dried turmeric (size of almond)-Ayu used  turmeric powder
*4-5 cloves garlics
*1 piece ginger(size of walnut)
(*grind to fine paste)
salt to taste
3 tbsp ghee or 5 tbsp oil
2 cups water
1 tbsp tomato paste-(Ayu used tomato puree)

*1 medium sized onion-slice thinly
*1 stick cinnamon
*3 cardamons
*3 cloves
*4 tbsp ghee
(*ingredients to be sauted)
300g small ladies fingers(okra) -cut off top and tail and slash half way from tail end up
300g small tomatoes-cut off top
green peas for garnishing

Grind coriander, cumin, fennel, dried chillies and turmeric finely, adding peppercorns last.
Combine meat in a bowl with ground ingrdients, ginger-garlic paste and salt.
Heat ghee or oil, add ingrdients to be sauted. When onions are a little brown, add meat and fry until fragrant, then add water combined with tomato paste. Cover and simmer till meat is tender, stirring occasionally.
Separately, heat 4 tbsp ghee, add ladies fingers and fry for about 8 minutes. When meat is tender and gravy of a thick consistency add ladies finger together with toamtoes. Stir and remove from heat. garnish with green peas.
Sources:_From Zarina's easy cooking


  1. WAH!!!! Sampai ke tanah arab menu iftar nye ye....tak leh jadi ni...nak buat hawaiian pizza ar...jauh!

  2. Salam Kak Ayu..kalau menu ni makan ngan nasik biasa boleh gak kan..hik hik..

  3. zam - haaha..dont play2 ha..ini iftar specially booked budget airlines punya hawaii dengan arab hawaii jauh lagi eh?..hehehe..

    kerull - walkslm, boleh juga kerull menu ni makan dengan nasi..kalau roti dah habis bedal ler dengan nasi kan..hehehe

  4. Sedap menu.. Jom sertai kempen 1 Blog 1 Bendera sempena kemerdekaan negara tercinta..


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