Sunday, August 08, 2010

Chocolate Chiffon with Choc-Ganache

It is quite unusual that I made posting on weekends right?..It is just not me..Especially on Sundays..hehe..since we are welcoming Ramadan in just a few days ahead,  and since Mr Hubby is still not back yet, I thought I should just posted this entry which has been postponed since last week...I've got this devilicious chocolate cake recipe when I was blog hopping, here..when I saw the images of the cake itself, I was salivating....

Told myself I wanted to go for this, after reading Jessie's postings, to my surprise the cake was actually Chocolate chiffon cake!!!..and yes its true, after adding the chocolate ganache, it made the cake taste more
chocolatey, luscious  and richhhhh!!.., it is definitely a comfort cake as what she described..So here it is Jessie, the much waited and postponed, entry which I promised ..thank you for sharing this wonderful and superb recipe and I would like to share with the rest  here too...

psst.:-already tried one of  the other recipes too..

(A) 60g Semi-sweet Chocolate
      Oil 100cc

(B) Yolk 80g -(Ayu used about 4 egg yolks)
      Sugar 80g-(Ayu used 60g)

(C) Water 160cc

(D) Cake Flour 80g
     ¼ tsp salt
     80g Cocoa powder -(Ayu used Valrhona cocoa powder)
(E) Whites 280g-(Ayu used about 8 egg whites)
      Sugar 60g- (Ayu used 45g)

Must have Ganache glaze (topping only)
75g Whipping cream
40g Butter
100g Quality dark chocolate (cubes)

1. Double-boil (A), stir till mixed. Set aside to cool.
2. Whisk (B) till pale in colour & stir in the chocolate mixture from step 1.
3. Add (C), whisk till combined
4. Sieve in (D)
5. Whisk white till medium peak
6. Fold in 1/3 white into the egg/chocolate mixture
7. Fold in the rest of white gently. 
* the egg/chocolate mixture will be thick & creamy, hence fold in the white gently. Do not deflate the whites.

8. Pour batter into 21cm chiffon tube pan. Bake at 170°C for about 50mins.
9. Over-turn pan to cool cake
10. Double-boil whipping cream + chocolate + butter. Stir till melt and well-blended
11. Pour ganache glaze onto cooled cake
12. Cool to set
13. Enjoy!
Sources:-From  hearty


  1. terjojol bijik mata ku kak pepagi nengok kek nih! huwaaaaa..kompom sodap!!

  2. nor pernah buat kek chiffon coklat letak ganache mmg best! guna resipi kek chiffon coklat CMG jer

  3. aaa, why la your ganache looks so nice like that? kita punya sememeh je rupa...

    psst: sedara? orang parit mana? :)

  4. wah..pepagi dah nampak kek cipon coklat ni...sedapnya...

  5. Glad that you like it :)
    The cherry certainly add class & contrast of colours.

  6. uwaaa kak ayu..terpegun jap nengok kek ni..mcm dpt rase keenakkannya lalu kt lam mulut :)

  7. hana - hehe..nasib baik tak terkeluar bijik mata, cuma terjojol aje kan hana..memang sedap pada k ayu hehehe

    Nor - aah Nor, kita ingat kek nya kek apa rupanya kek cipon jugak..hehe

    kog - hehe..mayb that day i was lucky..kadng2 sememeh juga.. tak ada parit..kita punya sungai- Sungai Mati & SEROM - batu 7 from bandar muar..

    MAS - hehe..sedap jugak kek ni mas, cubalah..

    Jessie Hearty bakes - hehe..just a 'on-the-spur'deco..thanks Jessie!!

    mummyseri - hehe..very moist and lembut aje goes well with the choc ganache tu seri..cubalah..

    mangosteen - hehe..aah kek coklat mesti ramai yang suka..

  8. Ayu..2 hari sudah akak dh buat...memang sedap..lembut basah..x sia sia akak buat..Tpi kek akak x secntik Ayu..nnti akak update rupa kek buruk akak tu na!!! RASAnya memang luar biasa..!

  9. kak Norli - tak apalah kak, asal rasanya sedap rupa tak jadi masaalahkan..hehe ok nanti kita tunggu posting akak tu ya..

  10. hai kak ayu.. nama kita sama.. hehehe.. sy baru mula nak jinak2 dlm dunia kek2 ni..

    tapi kureng paham la kak..
    leh tak bg resepi kek coklat ni dlm BM..? hehehe..
    teringin sangat nak mencuba ni..

  11. @yu - salam dik @yu, alahai dik kalau adik nak resipi dalam bahasa melayu, cuba adik klik translate gadget tu...boleh kan dik..thanks kerana sudi keblog akak..

  12. Hehe.. sama2...

    Akak, nak tanya, bila nak masukkan Bahan E tu kak..?

  13. @yu - lepas buat no4. adik buat bahan E tu adik pukul putih telur & gula ditempat lain..bila dah kental masukkan 1/3 dari putih telur tu kedalm adunan coklat tadi..lepas tu diikuti balance putih telur yang lain, hati2 jangan sampai putih telur yang kental tadi jadi cair..bila semuanya dah sebati, baru masukkan dalam loyang..tapi ingat jangan letak butter atau kertas ya..tak payah semua tu..untuk kek chiffon..just make sure, loyang bersih dan kering..lepas ni kalau dah jadi bolehlah buat raya..hehe

  14. Your Choco Chiffon looks so yummy :) Nice!!!
    I once made this, it failed :(

  15. Lumi lumi-thank you lumi make chiffon cake there are a few things you must keep in mind...
    - must use fresh eggs
    - do not brush butter on your chiffon moulds


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