Friday, August 27, 2010

Crabstick & Sausage Popiah

Side menu for the kids...Crabstick popiah,...the easiest and fastest snack for them cause they tak makan kuih muih yang berpulut2 tu...

 Sausage popiah, also senang..just thawed the sausage from the freezer, wipe dry and roll macam popiah aje ler..then goreng... No need recipe for this kan..kan..kan..


  1. alaa... now i have to go out n buy kulit popia la pulak! terpengaruh! haha :p

  2. kog - hahaha..godaan..should buy kulit popia and keep for 'In case of emergency'...hehe

  3. salam kak ayu, kite dah try..anak2 suke tp x smpt ambil gamba lain kali buat lagi kite snap yek :)
    tq kak ..

  4. mummyseri - walkslm, hehe..tak apalah seri, asal anak2 suka makan, bolehlah selalu buat then bolehlah ambik gambar...ur welcome, alah ni resipi biasa aje ler seri..hehe


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