Friday, August 13, 2010

Mee Serani - 2nd Day Iftar

Mee Serani, mungkin orang serani goreng mee macam gini gaya kot..Anyway,  my kids makan without the sambal..cause they didnt realised that this mee ada sambalnya....haha..buat ponat den aje buat...anyway you can go with or without the pineapple sambal, ..dah lapar semuanya sedap ler...

500g fresh round yellow noodles
200g squids-clean and cut to rings
200g shrimps-remove head and shell and devein
1/2 cup water
salt & msg to taste
1 large onion sliced
*6 red chillies
*1 large onion
*2cloves garlic
*1 tsp belacan
(blended till fine)

chye sim
bean sprout

Heat oil, saute sliced onion till soft and fragrant. Add in blended ingredients and saute till oil rises up the surface.Add water, stir into mixture. Add squids, shrimps, salt and msg to taste and cook for 5 mins. Add in chyesim, stir  then add in noodles. Last then add in bean sprout. Mix well.

Ingredients for Pineapple Sambal:-
4 red chillies
1 garlic
1 2x2x1cm belacan-dry rosted
1tbsp sugar
1/4 small pineapple-chop very finely
salt to taste.

Blend chilli, garlic and roasted belacan till fine. Stir sugar and salt. Add pineapple and mix. Serve with noodles.
Sources:-From Zarina's easy cooking

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