Friday, August 06, 2010

Pucuk Ubi & Sambal Kacang

 A few days ago dish...this was some of the 'sayur kampug ' that I bought last week, other then this was the batang keladi, terung pipit and sayur pisang muda...

1 cekak pucuk ubi direbus hingga empuk

5 sudu besar kacang tanah yang dah dikisar
20 batang cili padi dikisar-(boleh kurangkan kalau tak tahan pedas)
1/2 cawan air asam
1 sudu besar gula
1/4 cawan air
garam secukup rasa

Gaul semua bahan2 dan perasakan ikut kesesuaian masing2


  1. this is my fav! sedappppnyaaa. kadang2 makan dengan sengkuang and kacang panjang celur.

  2. fadillah - aah fadillah, kira macam pecal lah juga kan..hehe


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