Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Koleh Koleh Kacang -18th Day Iftar

Salam, while others already uploaded iftar menu yang ke 21, kita baru terkedek2 nak upload iftar menu yang dah beberapa hari yang lalu...actually iftar on 18th day ni, was at my brother-in-law house-(Mr Hubby's eldest brother)..I did only this to bring over..hehe..even lauk sahur pun I tak masak cause was given 'tapau' balik ayam masak korma...buat kuih ni pun dah makan a few hours of wonder kuih ni kalau order mahal sikit dari kuih2 yang lain sebab kena buat tahi minyaknya dan kacau adunan koleh2nya macam dodol(thats what my mum referred to)..heheh

I made 11/2 adunan cause 1 adunan to bring over and the 1/2 adunan for my parents yang kat rumah...gula melakanya tu please please adjust to taste ya kalau suka manis lagi...
Menu2 berbuka di rumah BIL tu I tak ambil gambar,camera pun tak bawa.. sebab malu ler, dengan ipar duai BIL I tayang yang ini ajelah ya...

Ingredients A:-
3 cups thick coconut milk(santan kara)
1 pandan leaf
1/2 tsp salt

Ingredients B:-
300g green beans flour
4 cups water
1 tsp brown colouring(optional)I didnt use

Ingredients C:-
420-450g palm sugar-adjust to taste-(I used 300g )
1/2 cup water

Ingredients D:-
11/2 cup coconut milk
a pinch of salt

Mix B and let it for 2 hours or overnight.(I didnt do this, I just mixed on the spot and proceed).
Cook C till dissolve, let cool, strained and put aside.
Cook D till form 'tahi minyak' and put aside.
Mix A, B and C and stir well. Cook on a medium heat and keep on stirring continuously for 15-20 minutes or till it looks a bit 'oily'. When cooked, add the mixture into the tray which has been greased with oil. Level it and sprinkle the 'tahi minyak' on it. Let the kuih to cool then cut.
Sources:- From


  1. Ayu, I have tried your recipe but it did not came out like yours. Kuih tu jadi licin berkilat macam dodol pulak. Bukan lemak lembut. Macam mana nak buat supaya jadi macam tekstur dalam gambar

  2. Azie - Assalam Azie, Thank you sudi cuba this recipe, I went to see your koleh2 in your blog, it seems memang lain rupa koleh2 Azie tu..I just want to check whether Azie gunakan tepung kacang hijau yang betul, sebab from what i understand kat msia ada juga jual tepung kacang hijau yang warnanya putih, which is for cookies(green peas flour)..the tepung yang kita gunakan ni is tepung kacang hijau(green beans flour) which tepung you exactly used?..if the green beans flour used the colour should not be like the one you have, sebab kita tengok colour kuih Azie tu macam very translucent...dan juga..bila kacau adunan tu pastikan ia betul2 masak, likat dan warnanya agak gelap sedikit..itu sebablah buat koleh2 ni ada sedikit leceh..kena berdiri lama, siap dgn nak buat tahi minyaknya tu, kalau tak ingat kesedapan kuih ni memnag kita pun mals nak buat..heheh ..this recipe i have tried so many times, and so far tak pernah pulak tak jadi..harap Azie, jangan putus asa ya..:)

  3. Dear Ayu, thank you so much for your time to really checked on my kuih koleh. I bought the green bean flour which according to the girl is meant for making kuih muih. Kacau pun lama til ada mengelembung. Yes, the texture looks like dodol. Macam Ayu punya nampak lembab dan berlemak. OK will try again as really love this kuih.

  4. Azie - dear Azie, oh ya ke?..sometimes the girl pun tak sure, kita pernah juga nak beli tepung kacang hijau(green peas flour)for cookies,-(normally orang gunakan tepung ni buat green peas cookies,)..tepungnya warna putih..
    dan tepung kacang hijau for koleh2 warnanya ada sedikit kekuning-kuningan(mung bean flour/powder)..

    yes Azie, should try again next time, kalau tak recipe yang ini recipe yang lain pun tak kisahlah kan..:)

  5. Oh ya, tepung yg digunakan is white and it does not taste of green bean at all. But it is wrtten as green bean flour.

  6. Azie - ah Azie, dah tahu ni, next time boleh cari the real tepung kacang hijau for koleh2 tulah..:)

  7. Ayu, malam ni, buat lagi kuih koleh kacang. Dah jumpa tepung kacang hijau yang sebetulnya. Terima kasih, Ayu. Jangan lupa menjenguknya ya

  8. Azie - Insyaallah Azie, nanti kita kesana ya..


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