Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Humble Open House

 Salam, wow it was another hectic days ...few days ago...after the busy preparations for the Raya a week ago, this time preparations for our open house pulak on Sunday afternoon till night....
 Mr Hubby decided to invite his 
colleagues and friends together with his siblings to our humble house...
As usual, I had a tough time thinking what to serve the guests this time...and as usual many of his friends are non Malays and of course some cant take hot,...
for those that can take hot, would prefer rendangs, but I guessed after a week 
of rendangs , sambal gorengs, korma and lontong, to think of the names aje dah
rasa kembung perut..hehehe...
I 've decided to just made simple dishes as usual, but 'kenyang' and acceptable to the growns up and the kids,
since some of them would bring their family over..

Our Menu this time was
some nuggets and fries for the side menu...

 For the Nasi Lemak Sri Pandan, masak 5kg beras basmathi for this,
the side condiments was,
Sambal padang, Ikan Benggol goreng,
I bought 12 chicken grillers(ayam kecik) 
my  kaki sampai kebas,
tangan sampai kembang mengerjakan ayam aje..hahaha
 Kacang Panjang(1kg)  goreng bawang putih with cili padi dicampak aje, 
Telur goreng 
we fried about 75 eggs - ( which my mum jokingly said- pedih 'montot' ayam bertelur..hahaha)
can be for the nasi lemak or kacang phool..

Kacang phool standard lah kan, comes with diced onions, 
sliced limes and sliced green chillies, fried eggs and of course french  loaves..
this one we've got to brief the guest as for some Chinese they tak berapa
familiar with this Mediterranean's dish.
I used 3 sets of each beans total of 3 baked beans, 3 kidney beans & 3 foul medammas
and bought about 10 french loaves..

Mee Tai Bak Goreng Kerang, I fried batches of 1kg, dah habis baru goreng lagi..
total I fried about 4 kg..same goes for the fried chicken, dah surut baru goreng lagi..
bergilir2lah my mum and me goreng..siapa free dialah buat..and of 
course mee tu I tak goreng pedas...

Frankly, the most queries was the chicken & egg pratha rolls..
mostly love them and mostly are the Chinese...
Total I fried 30 instant prathas and rolled them up like in the pictures and cut to halves, so
dapatlah dalam 60 pieces..

 Basically pictures that day was taken by Hasif...as I was busy topping up and frying things..
So I gave him the job and camera pulak buat hal hari tu..tekan2 tak boleh apasal entah..
so I let him go and godeh2lah apa yang patut..
some pictures were taken candidly and some the compositions are out...
so I just edited and cropped mana yang patutlah kat photo shop cause some are dark and some are bright or blurred..

The above picture, 
clockwise turn - some of the guests shoes outside the house at one time, Mr Hubby's friends chatting at the dining area, one of the colleagues kids helping himself with the food, mingling among themselves, Iqram entertaining the guests kids for some computer games which looked like he was entertaining himself..hehehe,
some of the gifts, mostly chocolates from the guests, , 
Mr Hubby's friend from another department with his family.

 The above picture  
clockwise turn- Hasif friends came over earlier before the open house, a friend's memorable shot, SIL and niece, 
making a move and saying goodbye, some of the tidbits for the kids, 
2 of Mr Hubby's friends got a surprised from another friend when they were presented with a birthday cake for both which happened on the same day..
the lady as usual who is camera shy, but this time confirmed I tak tahu my back were taken..hehe
and the fish pond yang ikannya dah berapa kali mati..hehehe..

Overall, cukup penat lepas tu..tapi alhamdullilah semuanya selesai dengan hati yang tenang,
last guest was at 9pm, and after washing up, 
I went to bed,
if mercun ke apa meletup, or even campak kelaut..
memang confirm tak sedarkan diri..


  1. ayu, bestnya tgk ur sumptious spread. rasa mcm nak terbang to ur house sekarang jugak! my open house will be on 2nd oct. kalau datang kl, singgah la ye :D

  2. Salam ayu, i ni yr secret fan...hehehe. Bestnya makanan semua sedap2. U ra really funnylah buat i ketawa pagi2 bila baca yr entrie...anyway Selamat hari raya to u n family.
    warmest rgds,

  3. salam kak..nasib umah akak jauh dr umah sy..kalau tak confirm sy dtg raya ..hihi

  4. kak...best yer open haus..best kan..tak best cuma pat nak kemas2 jer..tapi kalo sojer bnyk mintak tolong kemas..ok lah..ishhh kak..santek arrr umah u ..wlpn gambo seciput..kak..u next time u toleh tgk camera taw.. :)

  5. salam kak,
    bestnyer open hse akak, mknan sumer sedap2...

  6. wow.., bnyknya menu ayu..! termasak ke ayu..? mesti lepakkan? tapi best2 ler.., sedap2 smuanya..

  7. kak ayu, u made all these by yourself lah ye? how do u manage? esp masa? nak menuntut lah...

    kak ayu kena mintak 'upah catering' lebih kat boss ni! ;)

  8. k ayu best nya.. mmg sedap.. if dijemput i willing to go there you jnow.. anyway congrat's u did it ..

  9. sizuka - alahai biasa2 aje shidah,
    oh ur open house on 2nd oct ya..wah dah ada idea nak masak apa dah?..thanks for the invitation, insyaallah.

    Siti - walkslm, wah! tak sangka ada secret fanlah..heheh macam artis pulak ya..haha..and wah pagi2 dah masuk kat sini & sudi baca my entry..aduh memang rasa terharu gitu tau..selamat hari raya to u & family juga ya siti.
    Siti dari mana?..spore or msia?.

    faradean - walsklm, haha..aahlah fara, kalau dekat, datang ajelah fara..

    yat maria - open haus, ni kalau nak ikutkan memang memenatkan, tapi apakan daya, mrhubby ramai siblings, nak tak nak kena juga masak kalau dia org dtg & the friends pulak kalau raya mesti tanya ada open haus tak..so might as well, buatlah sekali harung..alah gambar rumah belum tengok ceruk2 yang tak harus dilihat..hehe..

    yatiali - walsklm, biasa aje yati,
    makanan yang simple2 aje..hehe

    amflora - menu simple2 bolehlah kak, my mum & me lah bergotong royong 2 orang kat dapur, kalau kita sorang memang order ajelah nampaknya..hehe

    kog - most of it i yang masak, my mum tolong2 potong, hiris dan goreng2ang aje..those yang boleh dihiris or prepare earlier, we siapkan siang2 then on the actual day, kita just tumis and masak..
    'upah catering'?..errmmm macam habuk pun tak ada..hehehe

    pearlnscarf- aahlah fiza, kalau dekat memang disilakn hadir..tulah dia dah selamat dah..phew!!!!thanks


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