Friday, October 29, 2010

Chocolate Lollipops w/ Rice Puffs

 I had 4 hours sleep just because of this simple dessert this morning!!!..Well it all happened while I was arranging my print outs of recipes near my computer, I accidentally glanced at this note-'Letter to Parents'- There will be  a 'Bubble Party' on Friday 29th October, please dress the kids with 'pyjamas' on that day..and it would be great if you can contribute some snacks for the party..and so on & onlah...Oh no! How can I overlooked this I quickly browse some of my  'mini library' for a quick snacks or desserts for kids and found this recipe which I guessed something uniqe and I am sure the kids would love it...

The time was already 10.30pm!!!..Looking at the instructions I need to let it cool in the fridge for at least one hour..shouldnt be a problem I thought...just that, roll and thats it....anyhow, I didnt get to work after double boiled it...which was at 12am..hehe....brought out the chocolate  and tried to make balls out of it....not ready yetlah..still too soft to roll..(in my heart, oh dear I m gonna be sleeping  late again), the time was already 1am, by the time I finished rolling it was 2am...cleaned up and went to bed and 4 hours later till now..hehehe..
So here it was chocolate lollipops for Marsya for her school party/project...

 Ingredients:-(Makes 20-25 lollipops)
120ml cream-(Ayu used whipping cream)
200g dark chocolate chopped
2 tbsp honey
chocolate rice puffs

In a saucepan, bring cream to the boil. Place dark chocolate and honey in a bowl.
Remove cream from heat and pour over dark chocolate and honey. Stir to mix well. Refrigerate for 1 hour.
Using gloves, roll chocolate mixture into balls, each 3-4 cm in diameter.
Place chocolate rice puffs on a flat dish and roll each chocolate ball over to coat evenly.
Attach each ball to a lollipop stick or cocktail fork. Alternatively, use small paper cups if sticks or forks are not availbale.
Serve or store in a cool place.
Sources:-From Lust - For Love of Chocolate - Audrey Tan


  1. ayuuu,ikan parinya mana?ada kuahnya aje ni..sob3...da nangis dah ni..tak kira bungkus semua lollipop..kasi sapu bersih..ya:D

  2. salam ayu, akhirnya berjaya juga akk buat Devil choclate cake ayu tu utk birthday anak akk yg ke ke 10..dibawa ke sek untuk dipotong bersama rakan sekelas...mmg marbeles tul kek tu..lebihan akk bakar dalam cupcakes ...geng2 sekerja kata sedap kek ni. malangnya kamera akk tak de pulak masa tu...anak akk bawak asrama.. lainkali akk buat lagi..mekasih ya sharing2 tu...

  3. kekanda.....waaa....adinda dtg ni...x cukup tido wat choc lolipop ya....xper.kecian lak...nanti qada lena yer..he3....mesti kekanda hubby kat rumah and anakanda2 suke kan....???? ada lagi belance nyer?....:P

  4. warghhhh sungguh bagus nih utk budak2! selalu mmg bli cereal yg coklat tuh..leh try nih.... takot mak budak jerk yg lebey2 jd macam budak2! kikikiki

  5. k ayuuuuuuuu... comel2 cekelat nya yer... hope the kids enjoy and luv them

  6. salam kak ayu..
    mesti sedap..akak boleh buka cafe or deli la..:D

  7. this sounds delicious. I love the ice cream stick on it. makes it so handy to be picked up!

  8. anymz - haha..sorrylah kak, kita makan tak hingat donia, itu yang tinggal kuahnya aje..lolipop pulak semua dah bawa pergi sekolah, puan tanah pun tak dapat rasa.hhehe

    nor64 - walkslm, wah dah jadi ya kek devil kan kek tu..thanks akak sudi try and resipi memang untuk dikongsi kak..

    ayu safieza - balance rice puff yg belum diadun adalah ayu..heeh yg lolipops nya semua dah dibawa kesekolah..hehe memang belum qada lena lagi ni ayu..hehe

    hana - haha..oh ya ke hana?..kat rumah ni actually suka yang coco krunch yang ni akak buat purposely for this beli pun yang kotak kecik aje..cubalah mana tahu dia budak2 suka kan..

  9. pearlnscarf - ya i hope so..the kids would love this too..

    faradean - hahah..buka cafe?..hahah..tak ada lah fara, nak berniaga dari rumah pun belum pass lagi..hehe

    crustabakes -hi, thanks, actually you can place them in papercups too, its just that i wanted to surprise the kids ..hhehe

  10. Salam ayu,

    sebelum knur keluar ngan fiqah singgah umah ayu dulu...dulu rice
    puff tu hubby kak nur selalu buat untuk anak2 dier ikut sis dia nyer resipi tapi kak nur rasa kali ini bila tengok ayu nyer resipi confirm mesti ayu nya lagi besttt...hehe...

    ayu,this week iqram ngah exam ya...ish sian dier...hopefully Iqram can do well and all the best to him...auntie doakan iqram berjaya ya...nanti mama pun happy kan...betul tak mama ayu...kan kan!

  11. salam kanda huhuhu aritu comment dinda tak diapprovekan huwaaa rice puff tu masa diwali ni bnyknya jumpa kat little india sllnya tak pernah nmpk ,cantiknya cekelat akak tu


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