Friday, October 01, 2010

Kek Lapis Cempedak

This is the last cake recipe for this year raya...recipe was from Chef Tania, 'bonus' recipe given to us for attending her kek lapis class..Minta halal ya kak Tania for this I put up the recipe here to be shared among the rest...I made 2 batches of this cake that was why I have so much egg whites balanced...tengok tu 20 biji telur for 1 adunan so 2 adunan dah 40 biji..haha...ayam pun give up..haha....

Ingredients A:-
450g butter
4 tbsp condense milk
1 tsp cempedak/durian essense -(optional)
1 tsp vanilla essense
(Mix all above and beat at high speed. Add  puree)

Ingredients B:-
200g cempedak/durian puree
270g castor sugar
110g top four
20g vanilla ice cream powder
1 tbsp sponge gel(ovalete)
20 egg yolks
5 egg whites

Ingredients for Puree:-
400g durian/cempedak flesh(isi dah buang biji)
1 cup castor sugar
1 cup water
(Mix all above and blend to paste. Put to boil using low heat till thickens.)

In another mixing bowl, combine eggs, sugar, ovalete and beat at high speed till fluffy. Add ingredients A and mix well. Add in flour, vanilla ice cream powder bit by bit. Bake in a 10x7x3 (Ayu used 9x9) tray which has been greased with butter all round. and bake first layer using top & bottom heat for 5 mins and change to grill till golden yellow.
Bring out tray once baked, pressed to level using kek lapis presser when done, brush some butter on surface.
Scoop next layer and level it before putting in oven again. Grill (top heat ) till golden yellow and repeat till finish. Last layer bake using top & bottom heat for 15-20 minutes at 170C.
Sources:-From cheftania kitchen.


  1. salam kak.ayu... waduhh waduhhh kak.ayu sungguh terer melapis.. sangat cantikk! macam bli dah tuH! leh wat bisnes kak! kite tukang bli! hihihihi

  2. ayu!!! nak sebiji!! nor tak give up tak tau... hehehe cantiknyer lapisan.. mesti wangi bau cempedak nih.. nak!!

    ina nak beli?? nor tak nak beli tp nak preeeeeee :p

  3. betul la..lawonya..same jek lapis nyer tu..kagum kagomm...

  4. Kak Ayu....u are amazingly creative..kretip2..ari tu, husband beli 5 biji buah cempedak...punyerlah Ayu ni tak tau nak wak apa..selang dua hari..cucur cempedak...jer...abis kembung2 feruuut tau...kembong angin jer la....huk3....

    ......memang kek kak ayu ni nampak cantik lapisnyer..must be different and delicious in taste kan...

  5. hana - walkslm,..heheh..buat bisness?..kesian ayam tukan..hehe..

    Nor - hahahha...nak preee??..oklah kita kasi 1 lapis aje..hahaha

    izahdaut - alah izah pun boleh buat tu..senang aje buat dia..

    ayu safieza - hahaha..tak ada creativenya ayu....wah 5 biji cempedak???..kat sini mahel..1 biji paling murah S$3 dolar, itu pun dalam ada 5-6 ulas aje.., cempedak boleh dibuat bingka, digoreng, dessert..macam2 boleh ayu.. hehe..lain kali kasi akak 2 biji tau..hehe


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