Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Triple Choco Caramel Cake

This was the birthday cake that I managed to bake for Hasif on Friday..been aiming to bake this for quite sometimes, as soon as I was looking out for new chocolate cake recipes to try out....I decided on this when I saw  in Rima's  blog the sifu in baking...original recipe was  from Teh Eceu also the cake experts!..waduh, looking at this 2 ladies cake deco and piping, rasanya I jauh kebawah....maklumlah, my basic decorating cake  mostly dah kasi Cikgu balik..hehehe..reasons sebab tak dipraktikkan selalu...nozzle yang ada pun tak cukup syarat..hahaha..

At first when I saw the ingredients, I thought mungkin cake ni manis kot, sebab dari dalam hingga keluar, semuanya bergula..hehe..I asked Rima, and she assured me tak manis sangat kalau gunakan Valrhona chocolate, sebab ianya pahit2 manis gitu, tapi rasa2nya kalau gunakan dark chocolate yang biasa tu pun Ok juga tau.. When I asked Hasif this cake if compared dengan Devil's Cake tu,mana lagi sedap... he said got fight!!..both cakes are nice and has their own signature taste!!..I would rate this cake almost on the same par as Devil's cake.Sedappp!! Ok Rima, thank you very much for this nice recipe I minta izin  put up the recipe kat sini pulak ya..since I tak boleh copy & paste terpaksalah I type pelan2....hehe, pls alert me kalau I termiss out anything ya..

Ingredients for cake:-(1/2 recipe-18cm)
5 eggs
75g sugar
1/2 tbsp emulsifier
70g flour
30g cocoa powder(I used Valrhona)
40g dark cooking chocolate(Ayu used 70% Valrhona)
50g Margarine-melted( Ayu used  butter)

Preheat oven 170C. Heat butter until melted, add in cooking chocolate and stir(Double boiling method). Let it cool-set aside.
Whisk eggs and sugar till fluffy. Add emulsifier. Add in sifted flour & cocoa powder into batter and continue to whisk till combined. Lastly add in melted butter/chocolate mixture and stir well. Divide the batter into prepared cake pans(Ayu just bake in 1 tin and later slice them) smooth en the top and bake for about 30 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into centre comes out clean. Cool layers completely. While the cake is baking & cooling, make the filling syrup and ganache.

Ingredients Chocolate Ganache:-
250ml fresh cream/double cream/whipping cream-(Ayu used whipping cream)
250g dark cooking chocolate(Ayu used 70% Valrhona chocolate)
30g butter
Place the chopped chocolate in a bowl. Heat the cream until it just begins to boil. Remove from heat and pour over the chocolate. Let stand one minute, then stir. Add in butter and continue to stir until smooth. Cling wrap your bowl and let it sit in a chiller for at least 3 hrs. Once ready to spread ganache on your cake, whisk chilled ganache for a few minutes and its ready to be used.

Ingredients Caramel Syrup:-
50g sugar
25ml of water(1)
50ml waster(2)
Heat sugar with water(1) over  fire(cook until it turns caramelized). Add water(2) into the caramel mixture, cook and stir until caramel melts and blended. Turn off heat, let  cool.
(I heated up the sugar waited till it bubbles and slightly burnt before adding water 1&2)-same like Rima did.

To assemble Cake:-
Remove the cake layers from the pan and cut into 2 layers in horizontally, using a serrated bread knife.(Ayu used cake leveler). Set the first cake layer on a cake plate. Spread simple sugar over it which u can easily do by cooking 1/2 cup of sugar with 1/2 cup of water. Then spread caramel syrup and ganache(1cm thick) over the cake layer, making sure it reaches to the edges. Set another cake layer on top. Spread ganache on the sides and top then pipe a decorative border around the top.
Sources:-From bisousatoi.com & uceuhomemade.blogspot.com


  1. Salam kak ayu..
    wah sungguh sedap kek ni..byk lagi coklatnya tuh :)
    hepy belated besday buat hasif ye. smoga jd ank soleh,abg yg baik cnth pd adik2 n kebanggan family..

  2. arrghhhhh tidak!!! daku sudah tirguda!!! nak sepotong pleaseeeee :)

  3. Woah ayu.. Dah buat rupenye.. Sedapkan.. I asyik got request to bake this cake aje.. Tak habis habis nak si hitam di tampok manggis ni hahaha

    Happy bday Hasif!!

  4. waaaaaaaaaaaa....mommy............I wish I am your daughter tooo..(he3..buleh ker cam ni...)....so tempting, amazingly wonderful choc cake......aiyakkk...lambat lagi berbuka ni.......best nyer kak....mesti tak dan 2 hari dah abis kan kan kan?

    Pasal noodles tu.....

    :) nama sama and perangai...agak2nya lebih sikit kurang sama la kot..sbb bila udah kebulur..semua benda..kebabooom....dlm periuk...dpt nunggu 3 min noodles tu pun dah cukup bagus tau...kwang kwang kawang kwaaaaaaang!!

  5. waduhh waduhhhh... nak terjojol bijik mata kite kak! aritu dah terguda ngan rim punyer.. arini akak laks! huwaaaaaa.. rasa cam nak pingsan sekejap!

  6. nak order je kak ayu, boleh ke?mcm susah je nak buatnye...huhuu..

  7. salam ayu...
    wawawawawawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....sungguh cunn..sungguh menawan..tak terkata..haru dicuba nihhh.....

  8. aduh! ape ni? wat entry mcm ni? kan i pon nk kene try wat jugak??? ish ish issshhh!

  9. mummyseri - walkslm, thank u ya seri for the wishes..mudah2han lah hasif jadi contoh yg baik buat adik2nya..memang sedap kek ni seri!

    Nor - haha..sepotong ajeNor?..luqman & aishah mesti nak punya..oops naim pun , cik abe jgn lupa dia pun nak juga tu..hehe

    Rima - haha..aah Rima, thanks for the nice recipe!..memang macam beli punya lah rasanya...tak sia2 menerainya..lain kali memang boleh buat lagi!.. thank u auntie rima-from Hasif.

    ayu safieza - hahah..u can be my daughter, every month kasi duit masuk account ya..since you dah besar ni..hehehe i can make chcolate cakes for you every month too..oops puasa ya..selamat berbuka ya ayu..hahahha..yes i think kita serupa kot..haha

    hana - hahah nasib baik terjojol aje..dari dia terkeluar rolling lagilah parah..hehehe..cubalah hana sedap kek ni very chocolatey!!

    emme - hahaha..actually senang aje buat dia emme, kalau ikut steps yg telah diberikan tu..mcm buat kek biasa aje..nak order?..hehe..akak gelak dulu..

    mat gebu - aduhai, ni another sifu, sudi datang kat blog akak ni..deco akak berkaratz ler che mat..tapi che mat memang harus cuba sedap!!!

    eliza - hahaha..memang sengaja nak kasi eliza banyak kerja..hahaha..cubalah sedap tau kek ni..

  10. Salam Ayu...
    Hu teringat lagu dangdut tiba2 bila tgk kek ni..Aduh..aduh...aduh..aduduh..mana tahan!!!!bila akak nk buat ni??? Baking byk lagi nk buat.Mesti amik off day one week end nk buat ni...Pasti!!!

  11. Salam lebaran Ayu & family...maaf zahir & batin....I am back!!! Mak aaiiiii kecur dibuatnya dengan Dak ayu ni!!! Tergugat Iman nengokkan kesedapan kek tu.....kalaulah....biarlah tinggal kalaulah....apa-apapun....kalaulah...dapat sepotong.......!!

  12. hehehe bestnye..nak try tapi xtry2 lagi kek ni....k.ayu salin satu2 eh...hehehe lenkali k.ayu highliht kan yang mana nak pastu control C pastu control V..(sssshhhhhhh dulu pun tak tau..dok nyalin gak tp ada org tanya k.rima tu fara tau kekeke...jgn ckp kat org hahahaha..)

  13. kak norli - hahah..terus boyang geriji ya kak..hahaha..cubalah kak memang sedap kek ni..

    kak watie - salam lebaran juga buat akak ya..maaf zahir batin. welcome back kak..ingatkan kecur dengan kita rupanya dengan kek ya kak..haha..sepotbf pun dah tak ada kak, kenalah buat sendirilah nampak gaya tu..hehe

    farrah - oooohhh alkisahnya..boleh lain kali cuba kalau nak c&p from rima's blog tu .thanks ya farrah for the info. Farrah should try, sebab ambik order kan..bolehlah buat kek ni..tapi kalau ambik order kena tinggi sikit kot, sebab keknya sedapp!!..hehe

  14. mekasih singgah dapur ida kak...kita ada intai2 jugak kat sini tapi laju2 je..sumenyer buat ida terpegun esp cake decoration tu..very creative

  15. ida dapur - hahaha..oh pakai gear 4 terus ya..hehe..tak apalah lain kali
    terus park aje & terus buat macam rumah sendri ya..haha

  16. salam

    valrhona chocolate tue nk beli kt mner yer. dier powder ker, compund chocolate???

  17. kambingBujang -walkslm,
    thanks sudi keblog akak & follow ya..
    Valrhona ada yang comes in powder ada yang compound.
    Kalau kat Singapore ada dijual di Kitchen Capers & Sunlik Trading.
    Kalau kat Malaysia tak pasti pulak kat mana..
    tapi ada dijual di KL..

  18. Salaam Ayu,

    Apa khabar???? lama i tak singgah your blog....very very busy laltely ni...hopefully i blh "hidupkan" balik blog i yg dah lama tak "bernyawa" tu...nak tanya emulsifier tu kat mana you beli?

  19. Rahayu Ahmad -walkslm, waduh!! dah lama tak keudara ya ayu!!..padanlah sunyi sepi aje blog ayu tu..
    Hope, you akan 'hidupkan' balik blog ayu dengan makanan2/masakkan2 yang best2 ok..hehe..

    Emulsifier tu kita beli kat kedai Phoon Huat. Tapi namanya actually 'Sponge Gel'..u can ask the sales, it is actually 'sponge gel for sponge cake'..ayu nak cuba buat kek ni ke?..cubalah ayu sedap tau..

  20. Salaam Ayu,

    Insyaallah nak cuba for my daughter's b'day dan insyaallah i akan "hidupkan" balik la my blog tu...thanx ayu

    psst: makin mengancan & mengoda la your masakan sekarang...syabas my fren

  21. rahayu ahmad - walkslm, cubalah ayu..nanti masuk blog tau..hehe..
    thanks for the nice words..malu ni..hehe


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