Friday, March 11, 2011

Pak Thong Koh II - Steam White Cake

Alright this was my 2nd time, making Pak Thong Koh, a famous kuih among the Chinese..and  this time I've got the taste that I've wanted!!!!..yes!! using the ready made starter dough(tapai pulut) which I bought in JB market the other day!!!!....hahaha..I have gave up making 'Tapai pulut/nasi' or 'Tapai Ubi' just bought those readymade and just used it..I saved 2 days out of 4 days to do it!!!!..So mine was just 2 days..dont hold back when you see the process that took some time to do..its just worth it when you got the right Pak Thong Koh taste!!..

Last time I made this kuih, I made the starter dough right from scratch..I guessed the "ragi' used was not a good one and also maybe I over fermented it for a bit long, that made the taste a bit sourish..this time its perfect!!..No sourish taste the sweetness was just nice!!..So if you can get the ready made tapai pulut/nasi you can skip the first step of making starter dough...For my Malay friends, the taste of this kuih is somehow like apam  and somehow spongy like kek gula hangus ..Sedappp!!

Starter Dough:-
100g cooked rice(overnight and leave to cool)
1/2 tbsp Ragi(wine-chew piah)-can buy from Malay market
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tbsp water

Mix all the above ingredients together and leave it to ferment for 2 days(48hrs). Keep in a container, covered and best to keep in a cupboard to let it ferment. After 48hrs, weigh out 60g and balance keep in the fridge.

60g of the fermented starter dough-(Ayu used ready made fermented rice)
100g rice flour
some plain water

MIx the starter dough and rice flour and if you find it too dry, add in some plain water. put into a container, covered and let it ferment again for about 16-18 hours. Weigh out only 80g of this kuih starter dough.

220g rice flour
30g tapioca flour
280g water

200g castor sugar
400ml water
3 blades of pandan leaves(tied into a kot)

80g of the fermented kuih starter dough

1/4 tsp alkaline water/lye water or air abu
1 tsp cooking oil

1)-Combine ingredients(A) together in a big mixing bowl. Set aside.
2)-Bring ingredients (B) to a boil, then discard pandan leaves. Pour half portion into (1.) and mix well. Cool the remaining half portion for about 2 mins, before pouring into the rice mixture in the mixing bowl. Mix well, leave mixture to cool. Add the 80g of the fermented kuih dough starter dough and strained it. Let it ferment again for about 12-14 hours.
3)- Add oil into fermented mixture (3). Add alkaline water and mix well before pouring into a greased 10" round steaming tray(I used 8")  Steam for about 15-20 minutes over medium heat. Test with a skewer before removing from the steamer.
5) You can glaze the Pak Thong Koh with some oil whilst still hot and cool well before cutting kuih into pieces.


  1. as-salam kak ayu, wah... nampak jelas sarang2nya kak. kuih ni sama dengan kek sarang semut ke kak. tak pernah makan kuih ni....mesti sedap!!

  2. ayu dear. sometimes i really admire yur effort...kuih pun nampak cantik jerr...kalau guna tapai ubi boleh ke???

  3. kak ayu..cantiknye sarang2 die tuh..nampak jelas..rasa die camne kak?ade macam apam ke?x pernah rasa kuih ni

  4. x pernah rasa. tengok sarang2 tu terliur pulak. sedapnya nampak. dapat mkn tentu syok. bravo k.ayu!

  5. Assalamualaikumwbh kak Ayu.....adeh....rase ngeri nak wat pak thong koh from the scratch....:)

    Tahniah very amaze dgn semangat tak potus asa nih!!

  6. norul mas hana - thanks norul, cubalah kalau norul ada tapai nasi/pulut yang dah siap punya..sedap kuih ni..

    ady - walkslm, kek macam ala2 kek sarang semut, sebab gula yang dimasak tak masak sampai hangus just masak macam air gula biasa aje..its the tapai nasi inside
    yang kasi kelainan dalam kuih ni..tu yang akak cakap ada rasa apam dan lembut2 dia ada macam kek sarang semut..memang sedap pada kita ady..cubalah..kalau pergi pasar jumpa makcik jual tapai pulut beli dan cuba buat kuih ni..

    mokwonik - hehe..mokwo thanks for the compliments, tapikan kadang2 juga tak jadi tau kita mum's comments was suka sangat nak buat kuih yang meleceh2..tapikan i cakap, belum cuba belum tahu dah cuba baru tau..heheh tapai ubi rasanya tak boleh kot..takut pulak lain kang yang jadi..hehe

    eina - eina, rasanya ada macam apam2 dan lembutnya macam kek sarang semut..
    cubalah eina..sedap..

    ain - aah ain, hari tu actually akak buat 1/2 aduanan aje..sebab serik the first time buat macam tak jadi..sebab ragi yang digunakan tak bagus mungkin..this time gunakan tapai nasi/pulut yg dah siap dijual tu, memanglah sedap tak cukup pulak kita makan..haha thanks ain..

    ayu safieza - walkslm, ayu..hahah..if you can get a good ragi, then its ok..
    but if you malas nak buat from scratch, beli aje tapai yang dah siap tu then you can use
    that for your kuih starter, lepas tu dah senang dah ayu..uish tapi kat doha ada jual tapai ke?..hehe nantilah balik msia boleh cuba ya..hahah..thanks for the kata2 dorongan ya ayu..

  7. This must be the ultimate moist cake ever, looks too good.


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