Friday, March 11, 2011

Sup Ikan Kurau with Tauhu & Sambal Kicap Cili Padi

The past few weeks, Mr Hubby has been asking to add soupy dish to our menu...tak kiralah sup apa asalkan ada lauk yang boleh dihirup2..he has been watching out his diet, cause most of his colleague has commented that he has put on weight!..especially his tummy as  what he is working now, required him to stay fit and healthy..besides the 3 times a week run in the morning, he has been reducing his rice intake & minimal high calories & cholesterol  food...Frankly I like to see him a bit 'fleshy' then he used to be...hahah..well at least to me to prove that he's been well fed!!..hahaha..(old wives thinking..hehe)..

I cooked this, fish soup to go along with other side dish, which I cant remember what(anyway the recycle recipelah),..and since the soup is not hot, the Tauhu & Sambal kicap cili padi, is a must to balance the not so pedas & pedas dishes..I can just finished 2 pieces of tauhu  if were to make this..while sipping soup & crunching in the bird eyes chillies...
Another kids menu too, to make it easier for me..hehehe..

3-4 pieces threadfin fish cleaned and marinate with lime(ikan kurau)-(3-4 keping ikan kurau-dibersihkan dan lumur dengan jus limau)
5-6 shallots slice thinly-(5-6 biji  bawang merah dihiris nipis)
3-4 garlic slice thinly-(3-4 bawang putih dihiris nipis)
5-6 bird eyes chillies crushed-(optional)-(5-6 cili padi diketuk-optional)
2 cm ginger slice thinly-(2cm halia dihiris nipis)
1-2 tomatoes cut quarterly-(1-2 biji tomato di potong baji atau 4)
1 carrot cut to preference-(1 batang lobak merah dipotong ikut suka)
1 tbsp pepper-(1 sudu besar  serbuk lada putih)
1-2 tsp turmeric powder (optional)-(1-2 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit-optional)
oil for frying-(sedikit minyak untuk menumis)
salt & msg to taste-(garam & serbuk perasa secukupnya)
water to estimate-(air secukupnya)
spring onions,celery and fried shallots
to slice thinly for garnishing -(hirisan daun bawang, daun sup & bawang goreng untuk hiasan)

Heat oil and saute sliced shallots, garlic and ginger stir till fragrant. Add in pepper and turmeric powder. Add water and let it boil. Once boiled add in carrots, cook till carrots are soft then add in fishes let it simmer, add in salt & msg and lastly add in tomatoes.Turn off heat and garnish with spring onions, celery and fried shallots.-(Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang merah, bawang putih  dan halia hingga naik bau. Masukkan serbuk lada putih dan serbuk kunyit. Masukkan air dan biarkan air mendidih. Masukkan lobak merah, bila sudah empuk masukkan ikan dan biarkan renih hingga ikan masak.Masukkan garam & serbuk perasa. Akhir sekali masukkan tomato. Matikan api. Siap untuk dihidangkan dan hias dengan bahan hiasan.)

4 pieces tauhu cut to preference & fried-(4 keping tauhu potong ikut suka- digoreng)
*10 birds eye chillies-(*10 biji cili api)
*1 garlic-(*1 biji bawang putih)
*1 tbsp sugar (levelled)-(*1 sudu besar rata gula )
1 small lime squeezed the juice-(1 biji jus limau sambal)
1-2 tbsp black & sweet soy sauce each or to estimate-(1-2 sudu besar kicap masin & manis atau ikut suka)

Pound *ingredients coarsely, add in soy sauce and squeeze in lime juice. Mix well. Ready.
 -(Tumbuk bahan* dan gaulkan dengan kicap & jus limau)


  1. assalam kak, dtng bawa tomyam nk tukar ngan sup ni...sedapnya hirup sup tu kan...nieza pun nk diet juga ni berat dh berkilo2 naik ngeri jer nengok penimbang tu tapi selalunya insaf sat sajala..hehe

  2. assalamualaikum kak..
    wahh rasa nk lunch kat sini jek..lengkap serba sihat plak tu..

  3. Salam K.ayu..wah terasa2 je kesedapan tahu cicah ngan kuah cili tu..huk huk terangkat tuh makan ngan sup ikan..

  4. Salam Ayu,
    Wahhhh sup plakk, mai semangkuk nak hirup.....slurp slurp....dah terasa kat tekak dah nih

  5. nieza - walkslm, nieza, hahah..wah nieza pun nak diet juga ya...
    akak ni masih macam ni jugak..kembang semangkuk..tak diet2..
    betul, time timbang aje insaf lepas tu..terlupa..haha

    faradean - walkslm, silakan fara..dah bawa nasi kosong ke tu?..mehlah ambik sup ikan dgn tauhu tu..kalau tak kenyang lagi boleh cedok mee juga..hehe

    kerull - walkslm, hehe..aah kerull..kalau lauk sup kan tak pedas, selalunya akak buat tauhu cicah sambal kicap ni..laju aje kita makan..haha

    wattie - walkslm, hahah..silakn kak, itu aje yang tinggal..share2 lah dengan yang lain tu ya..hehe


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