Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Phad Thai Recipe

Assalammualaikum dear friends..Thank you for all the wishes for Iqram's Birthday tu ya.. I have been very busy this few days...itu yang tak dapat nak update blog kita ni ....masukkan entry Iqram tu pun lagi 3 minutes to 12am Tuesday morning!! kelam kabut sebab nak catchkan the actual day & date ..tak sempat nak karang2 madah pujangga pun terus search the web and copy aje birthday messages tu..hehe....kalau nak tunggu kita crack my head nak tulis apa ermm..nampak mesti terover shotlah to the next day/date posting kat blog tu....rasa macam tak cukup tangan gitu..hehe..kalau ada 2 more hands & 2 more legs kan best..this can help me with the chores that I am suppose to do and the rest boleh update my blog....haha..

 I would like to share this recipe yang kita dapat dari sini .Ini request from Mr Hubby..hari tu Mr Hubby smsed me, "U think u can fried kwey teow Thai style for dinner tonite?".I jawap, "Aaaah..I think I can surf the net to find the recipe..' (Jawapan mesti cakap boleh sebab dah ada blog tak boleh cakap tak tahu... nanti kena 1-0..hehe) Tak pernah, masak tapi pernah makan kat sini so roughly boleh agak2lah apa yang diletak kat dalam punya surf dapatlah a few, so decided to try this one below...macam usual, kita adjust ikut tekak melayu kita..hehe..cili paprika yang digunakan dalam recipe ni kita gantikan dengan cili paste..kalau tengok originalnya gambar, kuew teownya tak merah pun..kita punya merah u..tapi alhamdullilah, it met with Mr Hubby's taste..bila tanya ok tak?..He jawap 'not bad'..(susah nak dapat pujian dari Mr Hubby ni kalau tak ya2..'not bad tu kira dah baguslah tu..haha)
Kita editkan mana yang kita cuba tu ya..Thanks dear owner for the sharing this wonderful recipe!!..
Pad Thai Recipe
Adapted from The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook
Serves 4-6 people -(Ayu used 500g for 5 people)

Ingredients:-(2 person)
8 oz packaged Pad Thai noodles-(Ayu used  250g ready Kuey tieow for this)
3 tablespoons cooking oil
2 eggs
1 lb. peeled and deveined raw shrimp-(Ayu used 4 big prawns)
1 tablespoon minced garlic +1 tbsp minced shallots-(Ayu added this)
A small bunch of chives (cut lengths)
1 cup bean sprouts
1 lime, cut into 8 wedges
1/2 cup coarsely chopped unsalted roasted peanuts-(Ayu didnt add this)
 2 blocks fried tofu (cut into thin pieces)-(Ayu used 1 blk only & fried first )
salt & msg to taste if necessaary -(Ayu added this)

Soak the rice noodles in hot water for about 15 minutes or until they soften. Drain and set aside.(Ayu used ready kuey teow)

Heat up a wok and add oil. When the oil is very hot, add the minced garlic + minced shallots and do a few quick stirs. Add shrimp into the wok and stir until half cooked and then add the fried tofu pieces, noodles and Pad Thai sauce-(Ayu used about 3-4 tbsp-this is for 2 person) into the wok and stir continuously. Push the noodles to one side and crack the eggs into the wok, break it up by stirring and wait for 10-15 seconds, and then stir in the noodles. Add bean sprouts and chives into the wok, stir for 1 minute, dish out, sprinkle some peanuts on top and serve with a wedge (or two wedges) of lime.

Cook’s Note:
The above recipe is adapted from the cookbook. If you wish to make Pad Thai sauce from scratch. The recipe is below.

Pad Thai Sauce from Scratch
1/4 cup warm water + tamarind pulp the size of golf ball
1/4 cup fish sauce
4 tablespoons palm sugar-(Ayu used only 3 tbsp)
1 1/2 – 2 tablespoons paprika powder (if you like it hot, use 2 tablespoons)-(Ayu used 3 tbsp chili paste)

Soak the tamarind pulp in warm water for 15 minutes to extract the juice. Squeeze the seeds and membrane of the tamarind pulp to get the juice. Filter the tamarind juice for use and discard the residue.
In a small sauce pan, heat up tamarind juice, fish sauce, palm sugar, and paprika powder(chili paste). Lower the heat and let it simmer until the sauce thickens. Turn off the heat when it’s done.
The Pad Thai sauce is good for 8 oz. of noodles in the recipe.-(To Ayu this sauce is good for a 500g noodles)


  1. kak calit sikit kita pun susah nak dapat kata sedapnyaaa,iskhh memang depanya feelkan camgitu,looks yummy la kak

  2. Kak Ayu.........dinda dtg niiiiiiiiiii..

    nak mamam , nak mamam.....sunggohlah menggude ngan togeh2 yang tunggang langgang fresh...krup krap krup krap mmm yummmeh........

  3. Salam Akak,
    hehe.. orang lelaki mcm itu kot kan.kalau tanya sedap ke tak, ya ya.. ok ok.. hehhe.... :)

  4. chik mimi - meh calit banyak!!..hehe
    susah betul dia nak puji tau..keji lagi ada..kadang2 tu boring betul akak tau..haha..thanks mi at least ada juga orang cakap yummy..hehe

    ayu safieza - haha..taugeh2 tulah menjadi pojaan hati ku..nak mamam kena goreng sendirilah nampaknya ayu..hehe

    ijan - walkslm, entah lah ijan..tak semua gitu kot?..ada juga orang lelaki lepas wifey dia masak dia cakap terimkasih tau..akak?..mesti ada aje yang dicomment nya..haha..susah betul nak fulfil his expectations..

  5. kak ayu nonie dah buat phad thai nie.mmg best lah.kena selera.tq yer.nonie copy

  6. nonie - termakasih nonie sudi cuba ya..glad u liked it..silakan nonie nak ..


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