Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bitter Chocolate Chiffon with Chocolate Chips & Ganache

Since my birthday hari tu rasa lama tak makan chocolate cake..selak2 my printed recipes yang masuk list..decided to try this chocolate chiffon cake...the sugar amount I didnt adjust sebab the bitter chocolate tu dah balancekan rasa manis & pahit chocolate cake ni...kejadian kek ni kecik aje..loyang 7" so buat untuk sekali makan dah this recipe from the moment I cant access her kitchen, maybe she already privatise her blog..but luckily I've got hold of the recipes on paper and got to type it here..So Jess, if you see this would like to say thank you for sharing this nice chocolate cake and I would like to share with the rest of friends here...

psst:-Dont mind the messy deco..hehehe

Bitter Chocolate Chiffon with Chocolate Chips & Ganache
Recipe reference & adapted from Chiffon cake book
Valrhona Bitter chocolate 100g(chopped)
Corn oil 10ml

3 yolks
sugar  20g

water 40ml

Cake flour 60g
Valrhoona cocoa powder 10g
baking powder 1tsp

5 whites
40g sugar

choc-chips 21/2 tbsp

Choc Ganche:-
100g Whipping Cream
100g Valrhona Bitter Choc

  1. Sieve Cake flour with cocoa powder and baking powder. Put aside.
  2. Preheat oven to 170C
  3. Double boil to melt (A). Stir till smooth
  4. In another bowl.whisk (B) till pale in colour
  5. Add in melted choc(A) mixture, add (C) stir til combine
  6. Add in (D) fold till mixture well mixed, follow by adding in the choc-chips(F)
  7. In another bowl, whisk whites(E) ill frothy, add sugar. Whisk till peak
  8. Fold gently 1/3 whites with chocolate mixture
  9. Fold the balance of whites
  10. Pour batter into 7" cake pan
  11. Baking time around 40 mins
  12. Insert skewer to check if cake is done
  13. Overturn cake tin to cool cake
  14. Unmould cake
  15. Prepare choc ganache
  16. Double boil whip cream till boiling
  17. Add in choc cubes.Stir till choc melts
  18. Pour ganache onto top of cool chiffon
  19. Ready to serve.


    1. woww...sedapnyaa...look so tempting...^^ tetiba lapar tgk kek tuh...

    2. assalamualaikum kak ayu,
      nmpk menawan betul kek coklat cifon kak tu..rajinnya menyolek ngan mana rasanya kak ayu..tengok pada foto mcam sedap..masuk bakul dululah..bukan bakul apa..bakul list..

    3. As'salam Ayu

      so yummy! kalau ct makan ni agak2nya boleh naikkan berat badan tak, sebab ct ni comel sangat lah... hahaha

      mewah dengan coklat sedap tuuuu..

    4. wahhhh...sedappnya....
      terliur ni....

    5. kak ayu,
      tadi kata nak 1 periuk kan??? kan?? meh sini kek tu setengah loyang..!! ngeeeee

    6. nampak mengiurkan.. lembab je mesti ada ummpphh ni..

    7. meriah dngn coklat kek Ayu ni..sedapnyaaaaaa...

    8. Fuhhh....kalau tgk kek Ayu memangla tergoda..memang cantik gila....he he...baru tgk gambo...kalau dpt makan mau tak leh nak stop agaknya...:)

    9. tergoda lagiii... diana suka.... cantik kek tu n nmpk sgt sedaaaap... :)

    10. Kak Ayu ooooo kak Ayu..
      Nape menggoda sangat kek akak tu??? Ishhhh...

    11. as-salam kak ayu
      nampak marvelous kek tu kak ayu..banyak chocolate..mmg cantik cun melecun..

    12. cik puan izan - thanks cik puan izan..heheh kalau dekat akak dah potongkan sekeping kasi awak..haha

      iza akma - walkslm, thanks akma, alahai nak ikutkan memang malas nak solek2..tapi sebab dah letak ganache tu macam tak complete pulak kalau tak sikat rambut dia..haha..oh akma pakai bakul ya akak pakai tali pengukur jalan tu..hahah sebab dah panjang berkilometre dah..

      aenio - hahaha..

      ct delima - walkslm, kita rasa kalau ct makan pun belum tentu naik lagi sebab kek ni kecik aje..kalau makan pun pergi one corner..haha..

      mas - haha..meh rasa sikit akak kasi sepotng ni ha..

      hani - hahahah..amboi..balas dendam nampak..wakakaka..

      norlie -thanks dear..cubalah norlie..hehe...

      yatie - family kan hantu coklat itu yang semuanya coklat..hahah

      cik cek - hahaha..kak cek..kalau dapat makan pun sepotong aje..sebab kek ni kecik ..hahha nak kena share dengan adik2 kat atas tu..hahah..

      diana - hahah..sorry diana berdosa akak ya..sebab goda diana ..hahah..

      naz - hahah..aduh naz pun sama ..akak berdosa ya..sebab goda2 orang hahaha..

      ady - walkslm, thanks ady..biasa2 aje ady..deco pun main letak aje..maklum lah nak makan sendiri..haha

    13. Ayu!!!
      Yg dlm waiting list tuh dah menunggu ni kluar yg baru..huhuhu

    14. Oh Ayuuu kek cokelat itu...cuti sekolah baru I dapat bz dengan kerja skrg nih... :(

    15. mamahawa - heheh..tak apa ma, slow & steady..heheh..

      mak peah - gee you dah start kerja balik ya..teaching in school ke?..cuti sekolah nanti bolehlah mengganas kat dapur balik kan..heheh


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