Monday, May 30, 2011

Fried Oyster Omelette

Assalam, ...bersiaran dipetang Isnin ..disini dah start cuti sekolah pagi2 lagi pc dah kena booked dengan budak 2 ekor tu..heheh..maknya nak interframe pun tak ada chance..tak apa kasi main puas2 bila mama punya turn jangan nak mengacau ya..heheh..Hari ni juga Hasif  sat for his  GCE 'O' level Mother Tongue Papers...harap2 Hasif dapat buat dengan senang  dan dipermudahkan prayers for you son!!...

Made this fried oyster omelette quite sometimes ago actually..When I shop for my weekly groceries , terjumpa the frozen oyster, since I rarely see the fresh ones,... I have heard of this fried oyster omelette during those days when I was still working..I can say it is one of those favourite Chinese snacks here in colleagues who are mostly Chinese, would usually ordered this from the hawker's centre and they would eat them in the office...well since I am not sure of the halal status of the food, normally I would turned my friends offer  down to sample some..hehe..

This time, I tried frying them myself..of course follow recipelah... well, I loveeeee this snacks/appertiser..sedappp...surprisingly it just passed my parents throats easily..and commented 'boleh tahan sedap'..(not bad ah!!") if you come across the fresh ones, you should grab some and try this fried oyster omelette yourself..

Fried Oyster Omelette
Sources:-From Eric Teo's Simply Singaporean
2 tbsp tapioca flour
1/2 tbsp plain flour
1 tbsp rice flour
150ml water
3 eggs (beaten)
300g fresh oysters
cooking oil

1 stalk celery leaves
1 stalk spring onion (finely cut)

fish sauce or light soy sauce to taste
pepper, salt & msg to taste

  1. In a mixing bowl, mix tapioca flour, plain flour, rice flour and water to form a runny batter.
  2. Heat 10 tablespoons of cooking oil in frying pan till hot. Reserve one ladleful of batter and pouring the remaining into pan. Once the batter coagulates, pour in beaten eggs.
  3. Cut through  the batter with frying ladle so as to allow egg mixture to flow to the bottom. Pan-fry till bottom layer is crisp brown
  4. Drizzle with fish sauce or light soy sauce. Cut omelette into smaller pieces using frying ladle. Push to the side of pan, leaving a hole in the middle. Toss in oysters and remaining batter. Stir-fry quckily for half a minute..Dish up. Sprinkle with celery leaves, spring onion and pepper.


  1. looks so simple and yummy! lama betul i tak beli oyster. :)

  2. Memang my favourite..tapi susah betul nak dapat..kat KL ni dulu ada tapi la ni tak tau pindah mana...memang terliur...

  3. sedapppnya tengok...
    tumpang makan sekali boleh...he..he..

  4. kak ayu.. menu ni nampak simple tapi mesti sedap.. saya suka juga chinese style punya masakan..

  5. kalau ganti oyster ngan mussel or scallop pn bleh kan...sedap betol tgk

    best la cuti sek one month..sini pn dh start cuti but only for two weeks..

  6. Kalau ganti oyster dengan mussel ok tak rasanya kan?...hmmmm

  7. Betul tu ayu.Kak Ros pun sama,banyak chinese dishes yang sedap tapi tak halal .So terkebil-kebil la kita.Fried oyster with egg one of my fovorite tu.Tapi nak kena masuk cili pes banyak-banyak. malam-malam makan macam tu je.

  8. Salam Ayu...
    Mmg sedap kan oyster telur grg.. bdk2 kalau mkn kat luar mmg suka order nih :P Pernah mama beli frozen oyster kat NTUC ada offer... buat kan telur dadar cam biasa...tak sempat nak snap dh kena ngap ngan bdk2..agak nyer kalau buat cam resipi Ayu nih lagi confirm mintak lagi & lagi...

  9. Mmm... Nampak sedapnya.
    Thanks for the recipe ;)

  10. Triedt Oyster Omelette ni masa gi Sarawak, not bad la...rupa2nya Oyster Omeletter ni memang terkenal di Sarawak..anyway, your Oyster Omelette looks sooo juicy...
    *terliur plak malam2 tengok gambar makanan yang menggoncang jiwa nih..hehehehe*

  11. sizuka - to tell the truth, this was my first time makn oyster, sebab normally kalau kat hotel tukan fresh oyster then makan mentah2..i tak reti makan ler..heheh..kalau masak mcam ni tekak kita boleh terima..heheh

    nazrah - susah nak dapat oysternya ke atau susah nak dapat fried oyster omelette ni?..
    tulah kalau ada yang halal senang kan order aje...heheh thanks nazrah..

    mas - hahah..dah habislah mas..akak kena pergi selam kelaut dulu cari oyster baru boleh masak lagi ni..hehe

    juwita - hahah..memang simple ita..tapikan makannya aje dah kenyang tau lambat akak makan nasi lepas tu..cubalah ita..

    makqis - actually kan makqis, kita tak sure pulak kalau digantikan dengan mussel or scallop, mungkin ada rasa perbezaannyalah tu..tapi tetap boleh..cuba lain sikitlah..

    mat gebu - tulah mat, akak tak sure pulak ya..of course ada perbezaan rasalah tapi tetap boleh digantikan dengan mussels..alah mat kan pandai derhaka mesti bolehlah tu..hehe..

    puan ros - aah kak ros, macam gitulah tapikan kita rasa kat malaysia lagi senang nak dapatkan chinese food yang halal compare it here tau..oh boleh letak cili pes ya..wah boleh cuba lain kali kasi pedas2 kan..kita suka..and yes makan gitu2 aje dah kenyang kan..hehe

    mamahawa - walsklm, aah ma, memang sedap ma, kita pun actually cuba2 buat nak rasa macam mana, sebab dah terjumpa oyster tu kan..maybe next time can try kan mama..heheh

    sasha catering - thanks sasha, no problem memang kita buh recipe untuk sharing..

    mylady - yes, mungkin kat sana pun ramai orang cina kot, itu yang famous fried oyster omelette ni ..heheh...thanks mylady for the compliments...melurut kain makcik tau..haha

  12. as-salam kak ayu
    wahhh..sedapnye fried oyster omelette ni kak ayu..resepinye pun simple..kat mana nak cari fresh oyster ni?

  13. Dear Ayu,

    Posted my comment once on your post, dont know if you remember. I am Elly from KL, Malaysia. Love, love , love your blog. I was just wondering if you have recipe for tiramisu?

    I've tried a few of your cake recipes posted here. I must say the outcome turn out to be amazing and close to perfection. I follow others, sad to say so far none is as good as yours, edible but cant wow ppl with it. Yours? hmmmm....perfect! :)

    Am looking forward to make a tiramisu cake and would really love to follow your recipes instead of others.

    Would you be kind enough to post a tiramisu recipe? or u can reach me at my email "". Thanking you in advance! Looking forward! :)

    Thank you!

    Ur huge blog fan,

  14. Assalamualaikum akak...
    tgk pun dah tau pasti sedap sgt nie... diana lom lunch lg nie akak (nak diet konon ) hehehhee.. tp perut bunyi2 sudah tgk fried oyster omelette tu... hihiii

  15. Hi Ayu,
    Dahsyat la you ni...sampaikan Fried Oyster Omellette pun you tau jugak buat...malu I sebab I sendiri pun tak pernah buat..hahaha.Ayu,kat Melaka kan,diorang jual ni and kasi i small piring of chilli dip yang ada masam-masam sikit..macam cili cuka la..recipe sorry I tak tau tapi I bagi you tau sebab I tau you ni rajin mencari recipe and yang benefitnya orang malas macam I ni la kan..dapat recipe free,lol!Another thing kan,bila masa kita order kan,the hawker will tanya,nak cili ke tak mau(dia orang tanya in chinese la kan,and I will reply in Malay...ahh mau,uncle/auntie)and they will jeling at me for answering in Malay.Dah melalut pulak I ni but the moral or maybe the agenda of this story is that you boleh letak chili and I think they all pakai chili boh kot jyust before they add the oyster.Kat Pulau Ketam pulak kan,they all jual this fried oyster omelette tapi tak guna oyster but instead they use the mussel yang kecik-kecik yang warna oren tu.Dapat banyak bila order as I guess mussel yang kenit-kenit tu murah kan.So,you rajin-rajin la cari recipe ni eh...hahaha...and jangan lupa share kat us(motif utama..muahaha)Good day!

  16. mmg susah nak dpt oyster fresh...kita pun mmg suka nih selalu bikin sendiri sedapkan...

  17. Assalamualaikum Ayu,
    Huiiishhh lajunya n3, byk jugak akak terlepas ni. Menu2 Ayu memang mengancam la, lain dari yg lain. InsyaAllah nak try jugak mana2 satu nanti

  18. ady - walkslm, cubalah ady, kalau tak ada yg fresh, boleh guna yang frozen tu aje..

    Elly - Yes I do remember you dear..thank you for trying the cake recipes so touched with the compliments and trust.. very honoured and oh dear frankly this put me more pressured in putting up cake recipes in the future..hehe....well as u know, some recipes are also my trial & error so I hope when u decide on certain recipes do browse through the ingredients & methods used before deciding ya..cause I am still learning and not that pro too..normally if the recipes are good I would defintely recommend to others for the Tiramisu cake, so far I have not tried any yet..but I do have tiramisu for dessert in a cup which I have already posted in my dessert label..that was also in small quantity and was also my first trial in doing far I have one tiramisu cake recipe, which in my cookbook, but in malay text..if you want i can pass it to you via email..I assume you can understand Malay right?.. I would take a shot of the pages and you can refer from there..
    thank you again Elly for following my humble blog...

    diana - walkslm, heheh..wah lamabt diana lunch ya.. tengok time posting tu dah pukul 2 lebih..heheh apa taknya lapar..tengok apa pun mesti lapar kan..haha

    shereen - mum always nag at me.."kau ni ter'over' rajin semuanya kau nak try buat..semuanya kau nak cuba buat..' answers to her was DAH MINAT mak, apa nak buat..heheh..oh yes baru I tahu this dish boleh masukkan cili pes in it ya..
    wah itu definitely my liking lah, sebab pedas..ada sikit macam fried radish cake yang pernah i try dulu...bolehlah I cuba next time kalau I jumpa oyster lagikan..
    as for the mussels yang you cakap tu the small ones maybe its called lala tak, sebab that one lebih sesuai dari mussels yang besar2 tukan( sebab isi yang ini lebih stiff compared to the lala).....ok will bear in mind if I come across the recipe yang you cakap tu ..heheh..

    mak peah - aahlah gee..sedap oyster omelette ni..susah nak dapatkan yang fresh..itu pun yang frozen punya dah mahal juga harganya...

    wattie - walkslm, hahah tak jugalah kak tak lepas banyk mana pun ..hahah
    silakan kak pilih mana yang bekenan..heheh

  19. Salam Kak Ayu..
    Emmm sesekali masak simple-simple cam gini best juga kannnn...

    Pasal kek span coklat tu,saya tak pasti pula 20 minyak tu apa, saya pun agak2 20 ml juga...jalan selamat, saya berpandukan 1/4 cawan (saya guna cwn metric) dapatlah lebih kurang 100ml... Bila fikir2 20 myk masak tu may be 20ml, tu saya decide 50ml jeee..Tapi kek saya siket dry..may be tak cukup minyak atau terlebih pukul....


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