Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Egg Free Chocolate Cupcakes

Buat ni last week, pukul 11 malam baru kita start menggodek..ingatkan nak letak topping using my balance buttercream hari tu yang buat filling untuk my orange macan roll in the morning ....Tapi tak sempat letak the boys dah ngap untuk breakfast...so tak jadilah nak gunakan buttercream yang kita dah keluarkan dari fridge.. .Cupcake yang tidak menggunakan telur, lebih kurang rasanya dengan Crazy Chocolate Cupcakes yang pernah kita buat dulu tapi yang tu menggunakan cuka, this one mneggunakan susu, nak buat pun senang tak payah keluarkan mixer pun..just godeh2 dalam bowl aje.....this cupcakes within one day dah habis, rasanya sangat moist & lembut ....Marsya suruh buat lagi.. sebab dah kena share dengan nenek(yes nenek pun suka cupcake ni) & abang2nya..hehe...

Egg-free Chocolate Cupcakes
Sources:-From Art of Dessert
Makes about 2 dozen cupcakes
Allergy note: contains wheat and dairy ingredients
(Ayu made 1/2 amount of below & adjusted to taste)

3 cups all-purpose flour -(Ayu used 11/2 cup)
2 1/2 cups sugar-(11/4 but Ayu used only 1 cup)
1 cup cocoa powder-(Ayu used 1/2 cup)
2 tsp. baking soda-(Ayu used 1 tsp)
1 tsp. salt-(Ayu used 1/2 tsp)
2 cups whole milk-(Ayu used 1 cup Fresh milk)-just edited
1 cup butter, melted-(Ayu used 1/2 cup- 115g)
4 tsp. honey-(Ayu used 2 tsp)
2 tsp. vanilla extract-(Ayu used 1 tsp)
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips -(Ayu used 1/4 cup)

Preheat oven to 325 F degrees. Line two muffin pans with baking cups. Sift together flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt. In a separate mixing bowl, combine milk, butter, honey and vanilla extract. Slowly add the dry ingredients into the milk/butter mixture. Mix until combined.  Fold in the semi-sweet chocolate chips. Pour in the batter into the lined muffin pan to 2/3 full. Bake for 25 to 30 or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cupcake comes out clean. Let cool completely before decorating.

Chocolate Buttercream Frosting-

makes about 2 1/2 cups frosting
Allergy note: contains dairy ingredients
(Ayu didnt manage to do this)

4 cups powdered sugar, sifted
1 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup butter, softened to room temperature
1/3-1/2 cup whole milk*
1 tsp. vanilla extract

 *start out with 1/3 cup of milk and add more milk to your desired consistency

In a large mixing bowl, sift together powdered sugar and cocoa powder. Add the butter, milk and vanilla extract. Using an electric mixer, slowly mix together at a low speed. Once all the ingredients are combined, increase the speed and beat till fluffy.


  1. nak copy & save yg ni jugak!! cantik :)

    ehhh tq.. lupa nak ucap tq kat entri nasi jintan putih td.. :)

  2. nor - silakan nor..thank you for the compliments..hehe..ur welcome dear..

  3. oo kalau crazy kek tu saya pernah try. mmg sedap!!

  4. izahdaut - aah izah..surprisingly kan kek yang tanpa telur boleh lembut sebegitu..hehe

  5. Salam Kak Ayu..amboiiii suke sangat tengok kejadian kek ni..kat kepala terus terbayangkan taburan chip choc kat atas nyaaaa....

  6. Nampak simple n yummy boleh cuba masuk list..Ayu...KakSal nak tahu balance buttercram boleh simpan dlm freezer berapa lama?

  7. iffah afeefah - thanks iffah..cubalah senang aje nak buatnya tu..godek2 aje..tak payah guna mixer pun..

    sue - walkslm, betul tu sue, akak hari tu terlupa nak taburkan choc chips kat atas ..cuma gaul aje ..kalau tabur pun masih ok juga ..sedap..

    kak sal - kak sal balance buttercream kita tu kita tak letak dalam freezer pun cuma kat atas in an air tight container aje....actually kita rasa juga buttercream whether masih ok ke tak sebeblum digunakan..kalau masih ok kita gunakanlah kalau tak memang kita buang aje..tapi rasa2nya kalau dlm freezer can last longer lah yg kita simpan dari hari tu dah sebulan lah kak..heheh..


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