Friday, January 20, 2012

Milo Double Chocolate Chips Muffins

Milo Double Chocolate Chips Muffins ini dah beberapa kali kita buat...Pernah buat  here & here, kali ni kita adjust sukatan gula, milo & chocolate chipsnya tu..sebab memang diketahui, pemilik recipe ni memang adjust supaya kurang manis..tapi kurang manisnya tu pada kita boleh dimanis kan lebih sikit..hehehe..Anak2 suka makan muffins ni itu yang buat selalu..

Milo Double Chocolate Chips Muffins 
Sources:-From Happy Home Baking
Sources:-From Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction

Ingredients:-(makes 9 big muffins)
270g self raising flour
30g Milo (Ayu added 60g)
1 tsp baking powder
55g butter
80g sugar(Ayu added 100g)
150g milk or semisweet chocolate chips (Ayu used 200g)
2 eggs, lightly beaten
225ml milk
1 tsp vanilla extract(vanilla essence)

1. Preheat oven to 200 degreeC . Grease a 12 cup muffin pan or line with paper muffin cups.
2. Mix the flour, milo and baking powder in a large bowl.
3. Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles bread crumbs.
4. Stir in sugar and chocolate chips.
5. In a small bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk and vanilla extract. Pour the mixture all at once into the dry ingredients. Mix quickly until just blended. Do not over mix.
6. Spoon batter evenly into thr prepared muffin pan and bake for 20 mins or until golden brown, and a skewer inserted into the centre comes clean.
7. Cool in the pan for 10 mins then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.


  1. wah menarik ni kak pakai milo je...tak pernah makan kek taruk milo ni lagi...kalau kekeringan koko boleh ikut resepi ni..kekeke

  2. quinnie - heheh..boleh aje Q..tapi for this muffin, memnag rasa milo lah..then ada chocolate chips lagi dalam nya so anak2 semua suka ni..hehe

  3. Salam Kak Ayu...mesti sedap mafin milo ni...Sihat dan Kuat..He he he he

  4. sue - walkslm, heheh....sihat & kuat ..dan GROW LIKE A CHAMPION GROW!!!haha..anak2 akak suka mafin ni sue..hehe


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