Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I baked this sachertorte for the 2nd time..the first time I baked  I felt the the deco was a mess, so no no to blog..This time I baked it again as my family loves it ..Not much of hassle cake I should say...just a simple and yet delicious one ..Suitable for an everyday, tea break, munch munch cake..

The first time I used blueberry filling for the layers and covering..This time I used raspberry jam for the filling..Which one I preferred if you were to asked?..Well I would preferred the blueberry one..Both got their own taste definitely..the choice is yours..I used my own ganache recipe for this, so still up to you which u preferred,..Oh yes, I just slice to make 2 layers for the cake as I have only just one jar of jam in stock..

Yesterday was my 19th wedding anniversay... No celebrations as Mr Hubby is away for a working trip on the land of the rising sun..Too bad I cant  join him, the plan was to follow up after his conference there..but since Hasif is still having his lessons,(Polytechnic) we or rather me called off the idea as I cant leave without him..tak sampai hati pulak nak tinggalkan dia..ada exam pulak tu..takut kalau kita pergi dia tak boleh concentrate(yalah mama & his siblings pergi then dia tinggal)..cause Tokyo is the place that he wanted to go for the longest time..hehehe..tak ada rezeki nak kesana..maybe next time..

Will this be my last post for this year?..I hope not...Well I dont know..just wait & see..
Till then take care my dear friends....:)

psst all the posting today are autopost.....

Sources:-From Cakes Delicious Recipes For All Occasions -Yasa Boga
Tried & Tested:-Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
Cake Ingredients:-
60g raspberry jam
200g castor sugar-(Ayu used 100g)
125g butter + more for greasing tin

125g plain (all purpose flour) flour
+ 60g cocoa powder + 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda, sifted

4 eggs, yolks & whites separated
160g raspberry jam, heated until warm

4 tbsp milk
41/2 tbsp whipping cream
125g dark cooking chocolate, melted 

Ayu used this ganache

250g cooking chocolate(I used dark chocolate)
1 tbsp butter
1/2 cup whipping cream
Melt cooking chocolate using the double boiler method. Add in the butter and whipping cream and stir well. Pour onto the cake and decorate to preference..

Preheat oven to 170c. Prepare a 20cm(8 inch)  diameter round tin.
Grease tin with butter and line with baking paper, then grease again. set aside.

Combine jam, sugar and butter in a saucepan and cook over low heat until sugar dissolved.
Remove and leave to cool. Transfer jam mixture to a large mixing bowl. Gradually add flour mixture and stir with a wooden spoon until combined(Ayu used a mixer for this). Add egg yolks, one at a time, stirring continuously until well combined.

With an electric mixer, whisk egg whites until stiff peaks form. Using a rubber spatula, gradually and gently fold whipped egg whites into cake mixture until mixture is well combined. Pour mixture into prepared tin.

Place tin in preheated oven and bake for about 50 minutes until a skewer inserted into the centre of cake comes out clean. Remove cake from tin and leave to cool on a wire rack.

Prepare ganache. Heat milk and whipping cream over low heat until warm. Stir in melted chocolate until well mixed. set aside.

To assemble cake, slice cake horizontally into 3 equal layers. Spread raspberry jam over bottom and middle layers. Stack all 3 layers together and spread jam over surface of entire cake. Pour ganache onto cake and spread evenly. Leave to set, then decorate as desired.


  1. aslmkum ayu..n apa kbr.. byknya yg akk dah tercicir.. mmg mengancam betul menu2 ayu ni..

  2. Assalamualaikum Ayu,
    bnyk menu yg mantops2 kat sini, semuanya menyelerakan..yatie ni jarang BW skrng...btw suka tngk menu2 yg Ayu kongsikan...wat terliur je tngk kek ni...

  3. as-salam
    Wow!! That is gorgeous!!

  4. Assalamualaikum adik Ayu yg jelita rupawan,

    hehe bila masuk sini kak Nur jadi seram sejuk dn takut gitu...haha sebabnya belum lagi terbalas2...ayu,jgn marah akak ya..kalau marah pun simpan dlm hati ya...hehehe..serba salah kak Nur.

    Selamat ulangthn perkahwinan yg ke 19thn moga kekal hingga kesyurga...berbahgia selalu disamping anak2 yg tersyg...moga sentiasa dlm rahmat Allah.

    Betul tu Ayu, bila anak2 cuti sekolah dh tak sama agak sukar utk pergi holiday...mcm kak Nur pernah di cop lokek kerana tk pergi holiday mcm org lain...hmmm dlm hati kak Nur tak apa alhamdulilah asalkan aku tk lokek dn berkira utk memberi anak2 pelajaran.You tau kan Ayu school fees yg agak tinggi perbelanjaan nya especially Lasalle College.

    Sedapnya dessert tu..berbelit lidah kak Nur nk sebut tajwid dier tu...hehehe....nice presentation dear...keep up your gd wrk...Singapore juga boleh!!! Hahaha jgn marah!Akak belah dulu...sayonara...take gd care.

  5. Happy Anniversary,Ayu.Too bad that you and the children can't join your hubby but Tokyo can wait.Education is more important ( macam ya- ya saja I bagi nasihat as I too often pulled my son out of school for weeks on end to go jalan.. Lol!) and what is a holiday if your loved ones can't be there with you:) Beautiful slice of cake, Ayu but I wonder where is the jam.. Tak nampak pun:)

  6. Alamakkk.... cukup menggoda laaaa....

    Anyway, happy 19th anniversary to both you and hubby. Many more happy years to come eh...

  7. Waduh Ayu! Tak sanggup lama-lama merenung sachertorte tu... sungguh menggoda mataku!

  8. Wah i'm speechless, superb desserrt, yummylicious!!

  9. assalam ayu...hepi 19th wedding anniversary!!! jauh di mata..tapi dekat selalu dihati!!nanti hubby balik boleh lerr kandle lite dinner sesama yek dgn anak2 skali!!wink*
    ayu mana mau pegi??? kita pun lately sibuk memanjang, usahkan nak masak, nak pegang puyuk pun tak sempat...huhu..BW pun curik2 masa sepantas kilat!
    oklah..see u dear! klau gi tokyo...jgn lupa shoppin sakan...org kata, shoppin kat sana besssst!

  10. Happy belated wedding anniversary kak Ayu, wishing both of u all the happiness.. ;)
    cantik cake nya,pasti enak yah.. ;)

  11. I likeeee sachertote u... sungguh mengancam jiwa ragaku..

  12. salam rindu ayu...tak tahannya tgk kek tu..tak penah mkn.nk buat jem rosberi takde plak..mintak kat ayu je la sepotong!

  13. salam kak ayu..Lyza singgah ni..apa kabar? Tahniah kak..happy anniversary ke 19th. Moga kak Ayu n famili bahagia selalu. ..woww tgk pic pon dh geram..adoiii dapnyaaa..yum2x

  14. happy anvsrry kak ayu..smoga brkekalan hingga ke syurga ..aminn..wahhh senyap2 sklai kluar menu brderet tue kan..all sedappp2..teringin tgk kek nie la..coklat tue yg wt kecur..:)

  15. Salam ayu. Hepi anivsry. Moga diberkati dan dirahmati Allah selalu, semoga bahagia hingga akhir hayat.... Byknye entri sesekali kuar. Wah hebat, hebat ayu ni. Tak tkejar sya.

  16. Salam.. Wow.. menu menggoda dari akak..

    Nur ambil kesempatan ni nak wish Happy Anniversary buat akak dan suami.. Semoga rumahtangga yang dibina akan berkekalan hendaknya hingga ke syurga..

    Takpe kak.. Itulah pengorbanan seorang ibu.. Next time bila Kak Ayu dah free, bolehlah akak plan cuti2 dengan anak2 ye.

  17. happy anniversary k.ayu ku syg hehehe...alalala takpe2 1 happy family will be to Tokyo soon..sure punye..takpernah tak teliur if singgah your second home ni hehehe..nak tryyyyyyyyyyy...tapi ntah biler kekeke...

  18. dzana - walkslm, alhamdullilah baik cikgu..semuanya menu2 dah lama juga ni cikgu itu yg update sekali a few..hehe

  19. yatie - walkslm, yatie..lama tak dengar suara yatie..samalah macam kita yatie..
    sekarang kita update terus tutup computer..tak ada jalan2 bw..kalau ada pun sekali lalu aje tak sempat nak tinggalkan jejak pun..terimaksih yatie..menu2 kat dapur yatie pun mantops2 juga tu!!

  20. marsita - hi mas..thank you dear..

  21. ady - walkslm, heheh thank you ady..

  22. Nuridah - walkslm, kak nur!!..hahahha..jangan takutlah kak nur..kita tak kisahlah kak nur dah comment kat sini pun dah ok tau..kita tak marahlah kak..its ok really!!! no worrries ok....
    terimakasih kak nur for the wishes tu ya..insyaallah mudah2han ya kak..
    Aah kak budak2 dah tak sama cuti sekolahnya memang leceh betul..pergerakkan kita macam terbatas gitu..nak plan holiday pun kena tunggu yang bujang sulung punya holidays..kalau tak , tak completelah family..
    And yes,..pelajaraan anak2 lebih mustahak dari apa2..
    Kita faham benar..perbelanjaan di Lasalle college tu..semuanya berduit..
    kita dulu lagi kerja 2 tempat just to support myself to buy materials dan materials fee..
    sampai sakit2 ..maklum ler..family susah ..father gaji kecik..
    tapi anak2 sekarang untung semua family tanggung..their jobs just to study..duit let the parents yg worry..kan kak..Boy bila sambung his degree..?
    Dessert ni kalau nak sebut kena makan sikit keknya baru senang sebutanya tu wakakaka...Singapore macam dah tak boleh lah kak..hahaha..tak lama lagi macam nak kena pencen aje..hahaha...u take care to ya..:)

  23. shereen - Thank you Shereen, yalah shereen, ..but 2 days ago..hubby kata maybe got chance to go tapi kena tunggu dia balik dulu then see the airfare ada offer ke tidak....
    one thing dah kena bayarlah his fare..kalau tidak dah save 1 ticket...true2..kalau ada yg tak pergi..memang macam tak complete gitu..nak holiday pun tak best..
    Thank you shereen for the compliments..the jam tu actually dah tak nampak..hahha
    sebab when i sapukan i sapu sikit aje sebab takut tak cukup nak sapu kat luar dia nanti..yalah sebab 1 jar aje i beli ...and also when i sapu the jam, it was late night already..i decided to continue the next day itu yang jam dia dah meresap kat dalam kek and dah tak nampak dah..heheh..kalau u tenung betul2 maybe u can see a fine line in the middle..hehe..

  24. its me - Thank you for the wishes tu dear..Insyaallah mudahan2 Amin..:)

  25. Amie - heheh..thank you amie..kek biasa2 aje ni...hehe

  26. evelyn - alahai..kek evelyn lagi lah akak nak describe pun WORDLESS..hehe
    lagi superlicious!!!

  27. Kak am - terimaksih kak am..lama tak dengar suara kak am..rindu u!!!

  28. kak nik ja - walkslm, thank you dear for the wishes..hubby kita boleh tanya, bila is the anniversay..when i wish him on that day..adeh..tak apalah dah biasa dah macam gitu..hehe..sampai dah lali ler..hahaha..
    Kita sekarang macam dah tak boleh nak update selalulah kak Nik..memang got more important things to do and focus now.. which are the kids..next year my 2nd son will be sitting for his PSLE exams..macam kat sana UPSR lah gitu..we have to prepare him or been preparing him since the begining of this year..so next year lagi kena focus ..even now during school holidays there is still tuiton going on..where else some dah relax dah tak pegang buku lagi..hais..mak dia yang stress ..then my girl next year going Primary 1..hais..begitulah serba ringkas luahan kita kak nik..
    insyaallah lah kalau ada rezeki jumpalah tokyo tu..bab shopping tu katanya mahal kat sana....:)

  29. Melly - Thank you melly for the wishes & compliments..enak ni tau melly..

  30. Puan ros - terimaksih kak ros...memang sedap pada kami ni kak..

  31. ogyep - Oh yes..sachertorte memang sedap...heheh

  32. ummiaisyah - walkslm, cubalah ummi, jem tu tak payah buat beli aje jem yang dah siap..cakenya aje kena buat bila dah siap just sapukan aje jem tu..nak sepotong dah lama habis dah..heheh:)

  33. Lyza - walkslm, baik alhamdullilah lyza, lama juga tak dengar suara lyza..pasti sibuk ya..thank you ya for the wishes tu..mudah2han insyaallah..amin..:)

  34. zila - Thank you zila for the wishes tu..senyap2 kumpul dulu entry sekali keluar berdas2 ya zila..heheh..lepaskan dendam bukan apa..haha

  35. anna - walkslm, terimaskih anna for the wishes..insyaallah mudah2han amin..tulah kita ni tak update tak update sekali update ambik kau..hahah..tak lah..bukan apa kita tak nak susahkan pengunjung yang datang pergi balik pergi balik..hahah..lagipun senang kita nak control dan balas kunjungan lepas tu..:)

  36. nur - walkslm, Terimakasih Nur for the wishes..Insyaallah mudah2han..Amin..
    Betul tu Nur, pengorbanan seorang ibu untuk anaknya tahan mak tak pergi sebab anak tak pergi..kalau dia tak ingat memanglah kan..tulah kena tunggu bujang sulung cuti baru semua boleh bergeraklah nur..huhu..:)

  37. Farrah - Thank you Farrah..for the wishes...Eh mudah2han masin mulut farrah boleh juga akak sampai ke sana tukan..heheh..sekarang farrah kurang membaking ya..masih ambil order tak?..

  38. tengok gambar kek ni aduhaiii.. sayangnye nak makan kak.. cantik sesangat.. oh yer kak, happy anniversary :) .. sama cam saya gak.. hubby selalu tak berapa nak ingat hihi.. dah biasa :)

  39. Assalamualaikum Ayu,
    Happy belated anniversary, semuga berbahagia hingga ke syurga abadi.
    Kek coklat kegemaran semua, kalau disajikan kat rumah akak, sekejap aja selesaiiiiii

  40. wak pon sukak kek coklat nii.. IIhikks

  41. Hi ayu , hapi anniversary...tearlike tgk kek... Ayu melange expert beat kek, next time sing gag sana. , nak minta class kek Nagano ayu ... Hehe
    Keep rocking

  42. air luit dah meleleh tengok kek ni.. from Malaysia with lov..

  43. salam rindu ayu..hepi aniversari wat ayu berdua ye..moga cinta kasih kalian akan kekal mekar selama2nya..amin!

  44. atie azam - terimakasih atie, for the wishes tu ya..tulah dah biasalah tukan kalau celebrate2 anniversay pasti tak ingat punya..heheh....sabor ajelah..haha :)

  45. wattie - walkslm, thank you kak for the wishes..betul tu kak..kalau coklat pasti sekejap aje licin..tapi kalau selalu buat pun..anak2 ni dah boring lah kata dia orang..heheh..

  46. wak gelas - heheh..thanks ya wak sudi singgah sini..

  47. subhie arun - thank you subhie for the wishes..hahaha..mana ada expert..masih lagi terkial2 juga bila buat tu..sampai berpeluh2 kadang2 tau..heheh..:)

  48. Rozita Thank you Rozita sudi singgah dan tinggalkan jejak ya..
    jangan tengok aje..cubalah..hehe

  49. inahar ali - Thank you puan doctor for the wishes..in sya allah mudah2han ya begitulah harapan kita dan begitu juga doa kita buat puan doctor & hubby ya..:)

  50. salam kak ayu..
    ni kategori kek ye? nampak mcm brownis pun ye jugak kan.. kalau dah coklat tu sure le sedap yg amats ni..

  51. Madiha - walkslm, aah ratna ini category cake...nampak macam brownies, mungkin sebab nampak macam mampat gitu kan..but actually kek ni lembut aje..akak dah 2 kali buat..tapi prefer yang blueberry filling lah..hehe

  52. abbot cottage - hahah..tak apalah abbot asal senang nak makan sudahler kan..hehe

  53. love2cook - thank you dear..:)


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