Friday, May 23, 2014

Beef Moussaka

Kita terjumpa recipe ni bila kita tengah kemas buku2 masak yang ada di 'mini library' kita didaerah computer ni..Ternampak buku 'mini cookbooks' Chef Wan, titled Meat..kita flip dan browse sekejap..terberhenti di recipe Beef Moussaka ni..erm nampak macam sedap sangat..main ingredients tu gunakan terung, kita pun bookmarked kan dia.. The next time, pergi beli groceries  dah aim nak beli terung. Kebetulan waktu tu..terung hitam ni fresh2 lagi baru sampai.. kita berdirilah didepan terung yang berlunggun tu sambil berfikir which kind of terung should I buy for this dish sebab ada few types of terung kat situ...then ada seorang lelaki India came along, dia terus capai a few terung ni, then turned to me sebab kita looked confused..He said terung ni sedap..dia lembut aje kalau nak masak dia tak boleh lama, goreng sekejap then angkat, lepas tu baru tumis bawang cili..

Kita pun jawap oh ya ke..sebab jarang kita nampak terung hitam ni, montot dia gemuk2, tak macam terung yang biasa panjang dan slim barack....kita pun capai dalam 6 bijilah gitu..Sekali timbang mak aiii..just for terung S$4.40..tak apalah nak try and nak makan punya pasal..Lepas masak ternyata terung ni memang sedap dan lembut.. It just blend well dengan bahan2 yang lain seperti the sauce dan daging serta cheesenya..Kita adjusted accordingly and added apa yang patut..Jadilah Beef Moussaka campur versi Ayu juga... Sedapppp..Anak2 kita tak tahu pun main ingredients for this are terung and some capsicum....A good way to make them eat veggiekan..hehe..Kat bawah tu the steps macam mana kita layerskan  daging, terung, then kentang, capsicum, bechamel sauce then baru taburkan cheese..

*Oh ya, terung tu bila dah hiris, susun rata atas dulang, taburkan garam. Beberapa minit nanti air keluar dari terung tu. Lap kering dgn tissue dapur. Terbalik2 kan diatas tepung dan goreng dengan minyak yang terendam. Kita syorkan goreng kentang dulu, sebab kalau goreng terung nanti minyaknya kotor dan penuh dengan bekas tepung dari terung.
*Bechamel Sauce tu..kita syorkan buat last...sebab sauce this cepat pekat bila dah habiskan buat layering tu baru buat saucenya, bila dah masak cepat2 tuang atas layer capsicum dan baru tabur cheese..Sementara tu api sentiasa on tapi api kecil sekali, biar kuali/periuk tetap panas ketika buat layering tu..

Beef Moussaka
Sources:-From Chef Wan
Tried,Tested & Adjusted:-Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
4 large aubergines (eggplants/brinjals) -cut into 1cm thick slices
salt to taste 
plain flour for dusting
cooking oil for deep frying.
3 large potatoes, peeled and cut into 1.5cm thick slices
60ml olive oil
2 large onions peeled & chopped-(Ayu diced)
1 tbsp peeled crushed garlic
500g lean minced beef
1 tsp cumin
1 can (411g) italian plum tomatoes mashed
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 tsp chopped thyme-(Ayu didnt add this as already added Italian herbs)
1 tbsp chopped oregano-(Ayu added 1 tbsp Italian herbs)
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp minced ginger-(Ayu added this)
1 tbsp curry powder-(Ayu added this)
1 tbsp cili powder-(Ayu added this)-optional
1 fresh tomato diced-(Ayu added this)
1 green capsicum(bell pepper) sliced
1 tsp sugar-(Ayu didnt add this)
salt & aji to taste(Ayu added this)
85g grated parmesan cheese-(Ayu used mozarella cheese)

Arrange aubergine slices in a single layer on a baking tray and sprinkle sparingly with salt. Set aside for 10 minutes to degorge. Dab aubergine slices dry with paper towels. dust with flour and deep fry in cooking oil until lightly golden. Drain and set aside.
Deep fry potato slices in cooking oil just until soft. Drain and set aside.-(Ayu recommed to fry the potatoes first then the sliced aubergines)

Heat olive oil and fry onions & garlic until soft. Add beef and cumin and fry until lightly browned before adding tomatoes and tomato puree.(Ayu added, diced tomato, minced ginger, chili powder, curry powder this time too). Add tyme and oregano and simmer until sauce thickens. Season with salt, pepper & sugar.

Put a little meat sauce at the bottom of a baking dish. Layer alternately with slices of aubergine, potato and capsicum. Ladle bechamel sauce over and sprinkle generously with cheese.
Bake in a 180c (350F) preheated oven for about 40 minutes until it starts to bubble and the top turns golden brown. Garnish as desired.

55g butter
30g plain flour
500ml hotmilk
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg-(Ayu omit this)
salt to taste
fresly cracked black pepper to taste

Prepare bechamel sauce. Melt butter, stir in flour and whisk quickly for about 1 minute. Stir in milk and add nutmeg. Simmer until sauce thickens. Season with salt & pepper. Set aside.-(Ayu recommend to do this last after preparing and arranging beef, aubergines, potatoes & capsicum, because the sauce will thickens easily, so while adding to the layers, the heat below must be ongoing use very low heat.)


  1. Sedapnye nmpak tp bila tgk list bahan2...letih tgknye. Tmbah bahasa omputih...letih lak nk translet hahaha...

  2. ana - hahaha..alah ana..tak susah actually nak buat dia...bahasa omputih sebab original dalam bahasa tu..hahaha..kita pun malas nak tranlatekan bila type..sabor ajelah kan..hahaha

  3. Salam Kak Ayu,

    Sedapnya la hai.. anta la kat saya sikit....

    Citer macam lat rumah sebelah je kan? Hahaha

  4. Honey - walkslm, hahaha...
    kalau dekat memang hantar ler..haha..itu tandanya Honey kena buat sendiri..hehehe

  5. sedap ni Ayu..mcm vegetarian lasagne ye..nekcik baru bli bechammel sos kat kdai arab...ok insyaallah akan dicuba..tqvm for sharing..nekcik suka cuba resipi yg susah dapat.....

  6. Nekcik - memang sedap ni nekcik..cubalah..betul tu macam vegetarian lasagna..hehe..tapi ada daging..dan yes recipe ni jarang orang share kan..hehe..:)

  7. Dulu selalu makan beef moussaka ni kat belakang Plaza Yow Chuan, tiba tiba bila tgk blog ni jer, teringat kenangan kat sana..
    dah boleh bau dah ni..

  8. Rosdi - hehehe..oh ya ke rosdi..
    akak baru ni cuba beef moussaka ni..kalau yg beli lagi sedap agaknya kan..:)

  9. Nak tanya sikit...
    Macam mana nak buat layering mousakka?
    Daging > Terung > kentang > capsicum hijau > sos bechamel > cheese?

    Daging> terung >daging > kentang > daging> capsicum > sos bechamel > cheese?

    Terima kasih


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