Monday, March 14, 2016

Red Chicken Qurma

Actually this menu sepatutnya dimasukkan sebelum pergi bercuti setahun lebih yang lalu...hehe...tak sempat ..tapi gambarnya dah siap kita edit di photoshop (resize & tambah watermark)...... lebihan yang latest tak sempat lagi sebab computer yang lagi satu tu bila dihantar for repair..the guy reformat it, lepas tu bukan makin betul computernya...makin crash adalah….so all the programs dalam tu dah tak ada, kena reinstall balik. This week computer baru is coming ....Uish cakap pasal computer baru nikan…we ordered dengan DELL, kalau this  week they said coming..dah masuk sebulan lah kita ordered & menunggu…mula2 tu cakap 7 days, then delayed to 14 days..then delayed lagi the next day..lepas tu another week pulak…pakkallah dah bayar habis..kalau tak memang cancel aje…
So meanwhile tunggu computer baru..kita just post dulu apa yang ada lah...

This is another recipe yang kita dapat dari sis Amni Omar..Recipe ayam yang
sedap. tak menggunakan santan yang banyak..macam ada rasa kari pekat pun ada...
Makan pun dengan nasi biasa aje...kita buat kuahnya actually cair sikit..tapi bila dah sejuk macam terpekat kena panaskan balik dan tambah air lagi ...
Another recipe yang tidak mengeciwakan...makan dengan roti biasa or roti prata pun sedap...

Thank you sis Amni...kita letak the recipe kat sini...Kalau ada recipe yang best2 lagi..jangan lupa emailkan ke kita..pasti nak cuba lagi.....:)   

Red Chicken Qurma
Sources:- From Mumtaj Begum Omar
Tried & Tested:- Ayu@ curlybabesatisfaction
1 chicken – cut into 1pcs, washed and drained-(Ayu added some lime juice to get rid of the smell)
5 cardamoms
1 cinnamon
2 bay leaves
3 onion – thinly sliced
1 TBspnful garlic/ginger paste
5 green chillies – halved and slit
3 red chillies + 5 bird eyes chillies blended-(Ayu added to give some spiciness)
1 tomato – diced
2 TBspnful coriander powder
2 TBspnful chilly powder-(Ayu used 1 tbsp)
1 level TBspn cumin powder
1 level TBspn white pepper powder
1 level TBspn turmeric powder
½ cup mint leaves
2 cups water
5 TBspn yoghurt
10 almond
¼ cup coconut cream
½ cup coriander leaves

  1. Blend yoghurt, almond and coconut cream together and set aside.
  2. Heat oil and fry cardamom, cinnamon and bay leaves till bay leaves changes colour.
  3. Add in sliced onion and fry till onion is golden. Add in garlic ginger paste and fry till fragrant.-(Ayu added the blended chilies at this time too)
  4. Next, add in green chillies and diced tomato and fry for 5 mins.
  5. Add in add the spice powder and mint leaves. Pour 1 cup water; stir to mix well. Cover pot and cook on low heat for 5 mins only.
  6. After 5 mins, remove cover and turn flame to high. Add in chicken +(potatoes if added) and mix well till chicken pieces and spices are well incorporated, about 5 – 7 mins.
  7. Add in 1 cup of water, stir and bring to boil on high flame. Once gravy boils, stir once and reduce flame, add in the blended mixture and coriander leaves, stir and simmer till chicken is fully cooked and oil rises. Stir every now and then to avoid sticking. Add more water if necessary.

*For those who love potatoes, can add potatoes to this dish. They must be added at stage 6, together with the chicken. Do not use floury potatoes, as they tend to be soft very fast. Potatoes and chicken must be well cooked.Best eaten an hour after cooking.Can replace chicken with mutton.


  1. yang sabar ya kak, tunggu computernya datang...
    walaupun resep ini resep lama, tetap buat terliur kak, apalagi kalau membayangkan makan ayam qurma ini dengan nasi putih hangat, sedapnya...

  2. Monica
    Yalah monica, computernya sudah sampai..tapi tengah tunggu anak install balik programe2
    Nya ...waduh...lama bangat menunggu ni... Mau install sendiri enggak tahu...sabar ajelah...
    Tulah recipe udah lama dalam draft ...nasib baik masih ada 1-2 yang akak dah edit sementara menunggu gambar2
    Yg lain...

  3. Spesel ni kak ayu..kurma warna merah...menarik warnanya..
    Umah saya kalau ayam2 ni mmg terlajakkkk laris hehe

  4. Lina
    samalah lina...lauk ayam kini dan selamanya kat rumah akak ni juga...
    last2 kalau dah short of idea..goreng ajelah...hahaha


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