Thursday, May 05, 2016

Milo Monster Chocolate Cake

Ok, semasa kita buatkan birthday cake si Iqram pada March yang lalu..kita cuba buat cake perisa Milo..end up the cake macam mum cakap cake kau macam kuih talam!..Meruntum jiwa ku pada waktu itu..kesian cake anak kita jadi macam tu..tapi buttercream & chocolate ganachenya ok aje..nak tau apa kita buat dengan cake tu?..Masuk dalam perut Mr Bin..kita lontarkan dari tingkat 4 kebawah...actually bila lepas keluar dari oven kita dah dapat rasakan kek kita macam tak jadi..tapi disebabkan kesuntukkan masa nak mengaisingkan cake tu..kita teruskan aje...kesian Iqram makan jugalah dia a few slices..:(

Disebabkan tidak puashati dengan outcome cake untuk Iqram..pada birthday kita April lalu, kita cari lagi recipe yang lain..All about Milo cakes..then terjumpa recipe dari Peng's Kitchen ni..terus bekenan, the reason why I choose this recipe was because the use of Milo yang banyak, sebab suka cake rasa Milo yang a bit intense rather yang mild aje rasa Milonya tu...kita pun buat buttercream perisa Milo, original recipe guna Ovaltine dan ada campur susu..Kita adjusted mana yang sesuai dan akhirnya berjaya menghasilkan cake Milo Monster Chocolate Cake ni!!...
Its Milo Chiffon Cake w/ Chocolate Milo Buttercream & Chocolate Ganache..drizzle with salted caramel sauce...:)

Ditengah cake tukan lompong sebab kita guna acuan chiffon filled up with buttercream & cocokkan chocolate stick kasi part of deco...

Milo Chiffon Cake
Sources:- Peng's Kitchen
Tried & Tested:- Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
Ingredient (9" chiffon pan)
  • 80gm egg yolks (4 yolks)
  • 40gm sugar
  • 100ml corn oil
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 160gm cake flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 150ml warm milk
  • 150gm Milo powder (not 3-1 drink)
  • 250gm cold egg whites (approx 6-7 eggs)
  • 60gm sugar 
  1. Combine Milo powder with warm milk and stir till powder is well dissolved. Set aside.
  2. Beat yolks and sugar until pale and fluffy. Add in oil, vanilla and milk mixture and stir well to combine.
  3. Sift in flour and salt and mix till smooth batter formed.
  4. In a clean, dry bowl, beat cold egg whites on high speed till bubbly. Beat in sugar gradually until stiffed peak formed.
  5. Scoop 1/3 of the beaten whites into the Milo batter. Mix well.
  6. Pour the batter into the balanced whites and gently fold till well combine.
  7. Pour the mixture into an ungreased 9" tube pan and bake in preheated oven at 180 deg cel for 45 mins.
  8. Remove pan from oven and invert onto wire rack to cool completely before unmoulding.  

Chocolate Milo Buttercream
Adapted from The Best Chocolate Buttercream Frosting
Sources:- Joy The Baker
Adjusted, Tried & Tested:- Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
170g butter + 85g shortening or (43g shortening + 43g krimwell)
85g unsweetened cocoa powder
170g powdered sugar
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
150g whipping cream 
130g Milo powder

  1. Cream together butter, cocoa powder. Butter mixture will be very thick. Turn off the mixer, scrape down the sides of the bowl.
  2. Add powdered sugar. Turn mixer on low and mix in powdered sugar  and vanilla extract. As the sugar incorporates, raise the speed of the mixer to beat the frosting. Beat until smooth, about 1 minute.
  3. In a big mug , stir together whipping cream and Milo. Turn mixer speed to medium and pour half of the cream mixture into frosting in a slow, steady stream. Stop the mixer scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add remaining cream mixture or until you’ve reached your desired consistency. Beat until soft and creamy, about 1 minute.
  4. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer. Bring to room temperature before frosting cakes and cupcakes.(Ayu used straight after mixing)


  1. sedapnya kek ni...dah lama x makan kek

  2. tempting
    Adusss nape kak ayu rajin sangat buat kek ni..kita xdan nk cuba kek2 baru skrg ni..
    Sedapnya ya ampun

  3. Assalamualaikum kak ayu ^_^heheheheee...tksssss bebyk kak follow blog cinonet leia tu (*ai malu la).....bab milo milo ni kan bagi saja pun kita boleh ratah abis satu tin....sedap niiii....

  4. Rizziela
    ni pakkal untuk birthday ..kalau tak pun dah lama tak baking hehe...:)

  5. Lina
    only for birthday Lina..
    kalau tak pun akak malas juga nak baking sekarang ni..:)

  6. Leia
    walkslm, hehehe..mana blog cinonet pulak...
    bila leia follow akak kat instagram..baru akak tahu
    another blog yang seharusnya akak follow..
    banyak recipe2 yang best2..akak dah link ke bloglist dah tu..

    oh ya ke..suka rata milo.. samalah macam my girl..
    nanti dia ambil cawan dia ceduk milo dalam tin..buat ratah2..
    akak dulu kecik2 pun suka ratah2 milo..nanti mak cakap..
    'kau makan milo banyak2 nanti sembelit'..hehehe ..betul pun..haha

  7. Assalamualaikum kak..
    buka la pintu, kita dh bawa bantal ni..nk berjiran dgn kak la..bleh mkn kek slalu...
    xsnggup nk telan ayer liuq dh ni...waaaa..
    kita xde kerajinan nk buat kek yg canggih gini..

  8. Maz
    Walkslm...mazzz...waduh..nasib baik akak belum tidur..jemput lah masuk..
    Ala cake biasa2 aje ni...suka2 baking..hehe

  9. Kak Ayu,
    birthday cake yang kak Ayu buat pastilah cantik...duh kelihatan enak dan lembut sekali cakenya...

  10. Monica
    oklah Monica..
    cake sebelum ini milo cakenya macam keras..
    itu yang akak buat kali ni guna chiffon cake..:)


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