Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Triple Chocolate Caramel Cake

This year, in October,  my eldest turned 21years old...yes a young man first thought of just buy a cake off the rack which we thought lagi special, quality & professional ones, then toying with the idea  nak invite his cousins to celebrate sikit since  this year quite a special year for him...wanted also to make a surprise party for him in a restaurant or hotel..
Then Mr Hubby & I discussed & realised that tak mau kebaratan sangat dan tak mau 
menggalakkan & acknowledge that since he is already 21 he can & feel free to do what he 
wants...he is still a young adult  that still needs our guidance instead of all the above..end up I baked a cake for him & just as normal my dad bacalah sedikit doa selamat for him just the 7 of us our house...Alhamdullilah we did explain to him what was our intentions & end up abandoned it and reasons out why..and he understood ...:)

This cake was a hit ...ever baked this before here also for his birthday but 6 years ago when he was 15 years time flies isnt it..this time deco pun simple2 aje...less is more gitchuuu...hehehe..cuma nak cakap cake ini sangat sedappp..itu yang buat lagi..

Triple Chocolate Caramel Cake
Sources:-From Uceuhomemade via Rima
Tried & Tested:-Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction

Ingredients for cake:-(1/2 recipe-18cm) -(Ayu make full amount & used 3nos. 9 inch tray)
5 eggs

75g sugar
1/2 tbsp emulsifier
70g flour
30g cocoa powder(Ayu used Valrhona)
40g dark cooking chocolate(Ayu used Valrhona)
50g Margarine-melted( Ayu used  butter)
Preheat oven 170C. Heat butter until melted, add in cooking chocolate and stir(Double boiling method). Let it cool-set aside.
Whisk eggs and sugar till fluffy. (Ayu add emulsifier together).Add emulsifier. Add in sifted flour & cocoa powder into batter and continue to whisk till combined. Lastly add in melted butter/chocolate mixture and stir well. Divide the batter into prepared cake pans smooth en the top and bake for about 30 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into centre comes out clean. Cool layers completely. While the cake is baking & cooling, make the filling syrup and ganache 

Ingredients Chocolate Ganache:-
250ml fresh cream/double cream/whipping cream-(Ayu used whipping cream)
250g dark cooking chocolate(Ayu used  Valrhona chocolate)
30g butter

Place the chopped chocolate in a bowl. Heat the cream until it just begins to boil. Remove from heat and pour over the chocolate. Let stand one minute, then stir. Add in butter and continue to stir until smooth. Cling wrap your bowl and let it sit in a chiller for at least 3 hrs. Once ready to spread ganache on your cake, whisk chilled ganache for a few minutes and its ready to be used.

Ingredients Caramel Syrup:-
50g sugar
25ml of water(1)
50ml waster(2)
Heat sugar with water(1) over  fire(cook until it turns caramelized). Add water(2) into the caramel mixture, cook and stir until caramel melts and blended. Turn off heat, let  cool.
(I heated up the sugar waited till it bubbles and slightly burnt before adding water 1&2)-same like Rima did.

To assemble Cake:-
Remove the cake layers from the pan and cut into 2 layers in horizontally, using a serrated bread knife. Set the first cake layer on a cake plate. Spread simple sugar over it which u can easily do by cooking 1/2 cup of sugar with 1/2 cup of water. Then spread caramel syrup and ganache(1cm thick) over the cake layer, making sure it reaches to the edges. Set another cake layer on top. Spread ganache on the sides and top then pipe a decorative border around the top.


  1. Wow, Ayu! That's a beautiful cake! Ya lah, celebrate kat rumah is better than going out. I prefer it that way too. Now I mengidam nak makan chocolate cake. How ah? LOL!

  2. kak Ayu...aduh bagus sekali cakenya kak, nampak sedap juga..aih maulah sepotong kak, enak juga neh jadi member keluarga kak Ayu, selalu ada birthday cake cantik sedap setiap ulang tahun..he he he ... saya selalu suka lihat birthday cake yang kak Ayu buat

  3. Raihanah
    alhamdullilah sedap sis...:)

  4. Phong Hong
    Thank you PH, orang frost cakes sekejap aje..I frost cake take hours...macam mana nak ambil order banyak2 kan..hehehe..ya we celebrated kat rumah aje..senang..hehehe
    Now you mengidam nak makan cake chocolate ya...kira I dah berjaya goda youlah lah..hehehe...go & bake one lah dear..:)

  5. Monica
    Terimakasih Monica, alahai..yang simple2 oklah kalau yang susah2 pun akak tak pasti boleh buat...tapi yang pasti kek chocolate kat rumah akak ni memang laku compared dari perisa yang lain..
    Terimaksih sekali lagi Monica suka lihat birthday cakes didapur akak ni...just for remebrance & for my future reference aje dear..:)

  6. Asalamualaikum Ayu
    Kaknoor dok inngt je nk buat tpi belum lagi sampai hajat, entahlah bila lah nak rajin mcm Ayu ni

  7. Nooriah
    Walkslm Kak Noor,
    cubalah Kak Noor buat untuk anak2 punya birthday..
    berbaloi kalau tak birthday pun boleh juga ni..hehehe


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