Monday, November 16, 2009

Ayam Goreng Jawa

This fried chicken is something like 'Ayam Kalasan'...or maybe this is another name for that..haha.. to cook this dish, I guessed its best to use 'old chicken'(ayam pencen)..hehe cause it took sometimes for the mixture to dry, and by that time the chicken has already been cooked and if you turn or stir slightly the chicken will become 'hancur'(mashed up)..furthermore I used chicken breast for this..lagilah..overall worth trying

1 ekor ayam(disiang dan dipotong-potong)-(1 whole chicken cut to preference)
11/2 cawan santan-(cup coconut milk)
1 camca sederhana asam jawa-(diramas)-(tsp tamarind pulp)
4 camca besar air-(diperah)-(tbsp water) mix with tamarind pulp
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
minyak untuk menggoreng-(oil for frying)

Bahan2 kisar:- Blended ingredients:-

2 batang lada merah(dibuang biji)-(red chillies discard the seeds)
12 ulas bawang merah-(shallots)
2 camca teh ketumbar biji-(tsp coriander seeds or powder)
2 camca teh gula melaka-(tsp palm sugar)
1 batang serai -(lemon grass)
2.5cm lengkuas-(galangal)
2 biji buah keras-(candle nuts)
2.5 cm kunyit-(fresh turmeric roots)

Didaalm sebuah periuk, gaulkan semua bahan kecuali minyak masak untuk menggoreng. Didihkan perlahan-lahan hingga ayam empuk dan kuahnya kering. Angkat dari api. Pijarkan minyak hingga berasap. Gorengkan ayam yang telah dimasak tadi hingga berwarna kuning keemasan dan toskan. -(In a pan, mix all the ingredients except the oil for frying. Using a low heat let the chicken simmer till it cook and gravy is dry. Turn off heat. Heat oil in wok and fry chickens till golden yellow. Dish out and drained.)

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