Monday, November 16, 2009

Telur Puyuh Sambal w/ Tahi Minyak

Looking at the name I think some of you might be thinking that I am so free to make the tahi minyak(coconut crumbs) for this dish right?..hahaha..well actually the coconut crumbs was balance from my last koleh koleh kacang that I made...saw this recipe.. reminded me of the tahi minyak in the fridge so make full use of it lah...

To some who didnt know, to make coconut crumbs will take some of your time as you have to keep on stirring till the coconut milk turns to best if you want to make koleh koleh kacang make extra for the tahi you wouldnt know when you might need it if you have came in handy like this one...hehe


2 trays of quail's egg hard boiled (forgot to count how many there..hehe)-make several slashes on the surface of each egg-(2 tray telur burung-direbus dihiris permukaan nya)
Grind to a paste (with blender):-(Bahan kisar)
12 dried chillies-(cili kering)
1 large onion-(bawang besar)
1 level tsp belacan-( sudu kecil rata belacan)
3 tbsp water-(sudu besar air)

1 rounded tsp tamarind pulp-(sudu kecil asam jawa)
1/2 cup water-(mix to obtain juice)-(cawan air-campur dengan asam jawa)

1 level tbsp sugar-(sudu besar rata gula)
salt to taste-(garam secukup rasa)
1 large onion- cut to rings-(bawanag besar dihiris bulat)
2 tbsp oil-(sudu besar minyak)

For coconut crumbs:-(Untuk tahi minyak)
200g grated coconut
1 cup water- mix and extract milk
(or I suggest just use the ready squeeze coconut milk in packets-kara)-(pakai santan kara dah)

To make coconut crumbs, put coconut milk in a saucepan and boil over low heat stirring occasionally until the liquid evaporates and oil appears. When the crumbs turn a golden brown, remove from pan. Coconut crumbs can be made a day earlier and stored in an air tight container. Heat oil in a wok and fry the ground ingredients until oil rises up the surface. Add in tamarind juice, sugar and salt and stir. Add in eggs, cover pan, lower heat, add onion rings and coconut crumbs and mix well.-( Untuk membuat tahi minyak, bubuh santan dalam periuk/kuali dan masak di atas api yang kecil. Kacau selalu sehingga kering dan pecah minyak. Bila santan sudah bertukar menjadi coklat/tahi minya angkat dan matikan api. Tahi minyak boleh disediakan sehari sebelum digunakan dan dismpan didalam bekas kedap udara. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan kisar sehingga garing. Masukkan air asam jawa, gula dan garam kacau hingga sebati. Masukkan telur, tutup periuk dan biarkan sebentar dengan api pelahan. Masukkan bawang yang dihirs bulat dan tahi minyak dan kacau rata.)
Sources:- Zarina Home cooking

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