Monday, November 16, 2009

Hasselback Potatoes

Made this for our afternoon tea...crispy on the outside and soft on the inside...peeling the slice one by one when I ate them...the below recipe was to use sliced garlics, but I used the minced one and just sprinkle some black pepper powder on the potatoes plus the rest of the recipe. Thanks Angie for this simple yet nice munchy..


6 Medium Size Potatoes-(kentang)
2 - 3 Cloves Garlic, thinly sliced-(bawang putih dihiris nipis)
2 Tbsp Olive Oil-( sudu besar minyak zaitun)
30 g Butter-(mentega)
Maldon Sea Salt-(garam)
Freshly Ground Black Pepper-(lada hitam)

Preheat the oven to 220˚C (425˚F). Put the potato on a chopping board, flat side down. Start from one end of the potato, cut almost all the way through, at about 3 to 4 mm intervals.
Arrange the potatoes in a baking tray and insert the garlic in between the slits. Scatter some butter on top of each potato. Then drizzle the olive oil and sprinkle some sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.Bake the potatoes for about 40 minutes or until the potatoes turn crispy and the flesh is soft.
-( Panaskan kan ketuhar at 220C. Potong rata bawah kentang sedikit. Hiris kentang nipis tapi jangan sampai putus. Susun kentang diatas loyang dan selitkan hirisan bawang putih dicelah2 kentang tadi. Sapukan mentega diatas permukaan kentang dan renjiskan sedikit minyak zaitun, lada hitam dan garam . Bakar selama 40 minit atau hingga kentang garing dan isinya lembut.)


  1. mudah dan sihat dan tak kecah sebab takde goreng² minyak melenting :)

  2. hahhaa..aah..kentang ni..macam main masak2..gitu..hiris2..lomorkan ingredients bakar..budak dahjah 4 pun boleh buat kan..hahaha

  3. Ayu kalau budak darjah 4 boleh buat ...Reena dah darjah 5 kan...kena suruh dia buatkan lah ni...hihihi


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