Friday, November 06, 2009

Laksa Lemak Nonya

Salam, hai, only now got the chance to update my blog...reached home at 2 am this morning from Kuala Lumpur...normally a 4 hours drive there it took us about 5 hours plus cause of the bad weather. It was raining very heavily throughout the journey...and we have to drive the car with the speed on a normal road!!!...yesterday's visit was purely to visit Mr Hubby's cousin who was with 'brain haemorrage', not brain tumour as what was told.. basically when we reached Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur, the whole one and half hour was just at the hospital, after that we drive direct home, no 'singgah' (stop over) for shopping or what so ever only stop at Melaka for our late dinner that was around 10 plus...

It was quite a tiring journey...if only we can stay one night there then not so bad I guessed, but no choice cause Mr Hubby got to work today...anyway this was what I managed to prepare today..Laksa lemak Nonya, got the recipe from Che Mat's blog...Thank you dear Che mat ya..I used mee cendol or 'bai tak mee' for the noodles. First time eat and cook Nonya laksa!!!..Very Sedap!!!!...but the coconut milk(which you can substitute evaporated milk) in the gravy ish... ish... ish...just close one eye Ok!..hehehe

Bahan2 Untuk Kuah -(Ingredients for Laksa gravy):-
50 g udang kering, rendam 10 minit dan toskan (dried shrimp soaked 10 minutes and drained)
1 genggam daun kesom (dgn tangkai2nya sekali) (a handful laksa leaves)
2 kuntum bunga kantan, belah 2 setiap kuntum (red ginger plant bud-I didnt put cause no stock)
1 liter santan (coconut milk)
1 liter air rebusan kulit udang (prawn shells stock)
2 kiub ikan bilis "Maggi" (anchovies cube stock)
1 tbsp sos ikan (fish sauce)
*250 g bawang merah (shallots)
*2 batang serai, hiris halus (lemon grass sliced thinly)
*20 g belacan, dibakar (grilled belacan)
*1 inci lengkuas (galangal)
*8 biji buah keras (candle nut)
*1 inci kunyit hidup (fresh turmeric roots)
*3 biji cili merah (fresh red chillies)
*1 tbsp ketumbar biji (coriander seeds)
(*bahan2 rempah ini dikisar halus)(*blended ingredients)

Bahan2 Untuk Laksa -(Ingredients for Laksa):-
1 kg mee laksa basah, cuci dan celur 30 saat, toskan - (laksa noodles, wash and blanced for 30 seconds and drained)
500 g udang sederhana besar, rebus dan kupas kulitnya (simpan stok udang utk kegunaan kuah laksa) - (medium size prawns, boiled and deshelled-keep stock for gravy)
200 g taugeh, cuci dan buang ekor -(bean sprout)
1 biji timun, hiris halus-(cucumber sliced thinly)
2 biji bawang besar, hiris halus -(large onions sliced thinly)
2 keping kek ikan, goreng sekejap dan hiris nipis- (fish cakes)
2 keping tauhu, goreng dan hiris (nak sedap guna tauhu "pok") - (tauhu pok)
Belahan limau kasturi@limau nipis - (kaffir lime for garnishing)
Hirisan halus pucuk daun kesom- (laksa leaves sliced thinly)
Hirisan bunga kantan - (red ginger plant bud sliced thinly)
Sambal tumis

Bahan2 Untuk Sambal-(Ingredients for Sambal Tumis):-
1 cup cili kisar -(chili paste)
*1 biji bawang besar - (large onion)
*1/2 inci belacan - (belacan)
*1 tbsp udang kering, rendam 1o minit dan toskan - (dried shrimp soaked and drained)
*2 ulas bawang putih - ( garlics)
(*kisar halus)(*blended ingredients)

1/3 cup jus asam jawa(tamarind juice)
Garam dan gula secukup rasa(salt and sugar to taste)

  1. UNTUK KUAH LAKSA-(laksa gravy) :- Panaskan minyak dalam kuali, goreng udang kering hingga harum, masukkan bahan2 rempah kisar halus dan tumis hingga harum dan terbit minyak. Alih rempah tadi dalam bekas lain. Dalam periuk, panaskan stok udang hingga mendidih, masukkan daun kesom dan renih 10 - 15 minit. Masukkan rempah tadi, santan dan kiub ikan bilis. Masukkan bunga kantan, sos ikan dan perasakan dengan garam dan gula. Biar mendidih perlahan sambil dikacau selalu. Rasa dan jika ok boleh matikan api. - (Heat oil in a wok, fry dried shrimp till fragrant. Add in blended ingredients and saute till fragrant and oil rises up the surface. Transfer the mixture into another bowl. In a saucepan, warm up the prawns stock till boil and add in laksa leaves and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. Add in the sauted ingredients, coconut milk and anchovies cubes. Add in red ginger plant bud, fish sauce and salt and sugar to taste. Let it simmer on slow heat with frequent stirring. Turn off heat)
  2. UNTUK SAMBAL TUMIS(sambal ) :- Panaskan minyak dalam kuali, tumis bahan2 kisar hingga harum, masukkan cili kisar dan masak hingga cili garing. Tuang jus asam jawa, tambah garam dan gula secukup rasa, kacau rata dan masak dengan api perlahan hingga sambal tumis pekat dan terbit minyak. Rasa dan jika ok. boleh matikan api.-(Heat oil in wok, saute blended ingredients till fragrant, add in chili paste and cook till oil rises up the surface. Add in tamarind juice, add salt and msg to taste on a low heat till sambal thickens. Taste if ok turn off heat)
  3. UNTUK PENYEDIAAN LAKSA LEMAK NYONYA (to serve):- Dalam mangkuk sesuai, isi kan laksa dan tuangkan kuah secukupnya. Hias dengan ulam2man, tauhu, hirisan fishcake, belahan limau kasturi dan juga sambal tumis tadi. Hidangkan segera...(In a bowl, add in blanched laksa noodles add in laksa gravy and garnish with garnishing ingredients. Serve immediately)
CATATAN MAT GEBU :- Kalau nak buat dalam kuantiti yang sikit, rempah tu tak payah habiskan, boleh simpan dalam peti sejuk dan boleh digunakan pada masa lain. Kalau guna susu cair, masukkan susu akhir sekali dan didih kan sekejap saja, untuk mengelakkan susu berketul2...Sambal tumis tu pun kalau tak habis boleh simpan. Kot2 nak goreng nasi ke, goreng mee hoon ke, boleh lah digunakan sebagai perencah segera...(If you are making in a small quantity, you dont have to use up all the paste, you can keep some for future use. If using evaporated milk instead of coconut milk, add in last so that the gravy will not be lumpy or cuddles. The sambal you can keep for fried rice or noodles.)
Sources:-From CheMat Gebu's blog


  1. Mak oooooii Ayu..godaaan kalau dah dok simpuh baik punya 5 atau 6 ekor cam tu....nangis tak berlagu lagi dah....dok jilat mangkuk jer lah!!

  2. Salam kak ayu, akak sihat? sedapnya laksa nyonya tu kak...bila la nk dtg seru buat laksa nih..sbb kt umah sume xsuka laksa, zura sorang je makan huhuu sedih tul...:)

  3. Salam kak Ayu,
    wah! laksa versi myonya... mesti sedap,kan kak?

  4. Ayu

    I made the laksa, but recipe by Bibik Neo from Chef Wan's cooking book (avon). The way it was serve mcm sama.. used udang dan fish cake and limau sambal .. :)


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