Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mee Hoon Goreng Putih

Our breakfast this morning...done this before, I put up the recipe again ya..


1 packet mee hoon soaked-(1 paket mee hoon direndam)
2 tbsp minced garlic-(2 sudu besar bawang putih kisar)
1 tbsp pepper-(1 sudu besar lada sulah)
prawns to estimate-(udang terpulang berapa banyak)
squids to estimate-(sotong terpulang berapa banyak)
2 pieces fish cakes sliced-(2 keping fish cake dihirs)
slices of boiled beef(optional)-(daging rebus yang telah dihiris-optional)
a few stalks of chye sim-(sawi)
30 cents bean sprout-(taugeh)
a handful fried shallots-(segenggam bawang goreng)
oil for frying-(minyak untuk menumis)
salt & MSG to taste-(garam & serbuk perasa secukup rasa)

Heat oil in wok and adding garlics and pepper. Stir in prawns, squids, fishcakes till 3/4 cooked. Add in salt and msg.Put in mee hoon and stir well. Add in chye sim , fried shallots and stir again. When the chye sim stalk has soften add in bean sprout. Stir well and turn off heat.Serve with pickled chilli padis...-(Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang puith dan lada sulah. Masukkan udang, sotong, daging dan fishcakes dan kacau hingga 3/4 masak. Masukkan garam, serbuk perasa, mee dan gaul rata. Masukkan sawi, bawang goreng dan gaul rata lagi. Bila batang sawi dah lembut, masukkan taugeh kacau dan matikan api. Hidangkan dengan cili jeruk.)

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