Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Singgang Daging Kelantan

Wanted to make this for quite sometimes now..ever saw this in Ika Bangkok's blog..thought of making some difference in cooking beef that are soupy base.. so tried this lah..the bird eye chillies I just threw in instead of cutting to small pieces cause I dont want the gravy to be too hot for the for me I just crunched in the bird eyes chillies ... I added another 2 tbsp of chili paste to make the gravy a bit red..

Note:-Those quantity that I put up are just for my own future reference. Pls adjust to your own discreations ya.


Daging (ikut suka banyak mana)-dihiris nipis-nipis -(saya gunakan 500g)-(sliced beef according to usage- I used 500g)
2 jenis cili (cili padi, cili kering-jika suka pedas-saya gunakan 2 sudu besar chili kisar & segenggam cili padi.) -(2 types of chillies, bird eyes chillies and chili paste- if prefer hot- I used 2 tbsp chili paste & a handful of bir eyes chillies.)
Ketumbar-ditumbuk sedikit-(saya gunakan serbuk ketembar aje) -(coriander seeds grounded- but I used powdered)
asam keping (ikut suka) -(saya gunakan 2-3 keping-(dried tamarind slice-up to preference- I used 2-3 slice)
bawang putih-saya gunaka 3 biji-(garlics I used 3)
bawang merah-(saya gunakan 5-6 biji-(shallots- I used 5-6)
lengkuas-(saya gunakan 1/2 ibu jari) -(galangal- I used 1/2 thumb size)
sedikit manisan kerek/gula melaka-(a bit of palm sugar to taste)
budu (memang lagi sedap kalau masukkan)- saya terlupa nak masukkan-(budu- I forgot to put in-optional)
garam dan gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)

Daging dipotong nipis, sejat. Bawang putih, merah, lengkuas dipotong nipis, Cili padi di potong kecil-kecil. Masukkan semua bahan dan gaul lebih elok kalo diperap sekajap.
Jerang diatas api sampai daging masak. Rasanya daging singam ni pedas, manis, masin dan masam. Makan dengan nasi putih.-(Slice beef thinly. Sliced garlics, shallots and galangal thinly. Bird eyes chillies cut to small pieces. Add all the ingredients and mix well, best if let it marinated for a while. Put to boil till beef are cooked. The taste must a bit hot, sweet, salty and sour. Serve with white rice).

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