Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sambal Udang Malbari

If you thought of making sambal prawns, consider this Sambal Prawns Malbari..something different from the normal sambal prawns!! Very unique and sedaplah... I had 2-3 servings just by having this and plain hot rice...makan tak hingat dunia....hehe

1 kg udang - dibuang kulit dan dibelah belakang dan bersihkan- (1kg prawns, deveined and shelled)
3 sudu teh rempah kari ikan-(tsp fish curry powder)
2 sudu teh biji sawi-(tsp mustard seeds)
2 biji bawang besar - dadu-(large onions diced)
2 senduk besar cili giling-(2 ladle chili paste)
1 sudu makan tomato puree - saya letak sos tomato-(tbsp tomato puree or tomato sauce)
2 biji tomato - belah 4-(tomatoes quartered)
daun kari-(curry leaves)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
gula secukup rasa-(sugar to taste)
sedikit serbuk kunyit-(some turmeric powder)

Cara Memasak:-
Gaul udang dengan garam dan sedikit serbuk kunyit. Goreng udang sekejap dan angkat. Ketepikan.Panaskan minyak lain, tumis bawang besar bersama serbuk kari, biji sawi dan daun kari.Masukkan cili giling dan tumis hingga garing. Masukkan tomato puree, garam dan gula.
Masak hingga naik minyak dan masukkan udang tadi. Gaul rata dan biarkan pekat sikit.Akhir sekali masukkan tomato, tutup api.-( Mix prawns with salt and turmeric powder. Fried for a while , dish out and put aside. Heat another new oil and saute onions together with curry powder, mustard seeds and curry leaves. Add in chili paste and saute till oil rises up the surface. Add in tomato puree, salt and sugar to taste. Cook for a while and add in prawns. Mix well and let it simmer till a bit thick. Lastly add in tomatoes and turn off heat.)
Sources:-From Ummi kuantan

1 comment:

  1. Dah lama tak dengor kata Malbari. Arwah nenek kita selalu cakap kata tu kalau refer to mamak.


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