Monday, January 04, 2010

Nasi Lemak & Sambal Ayam Serai

This was actually Friday's usual cant update cause was busy with the family...tried this nasi lemak with the Sambal Ayam Serai, I adjusted a bit by adding some sugar to it..thank you Love, for the recipe,I c&p it here periuk licin tau..haha..

4 cups of basmati rice-(4 cawan beras basmati)
1 box of coconut milk(200mls) + 1 box of water (from the coconut ilk box)-(1 kotak santan(200mls) + 1 kotak air(gunakan kotak santan)
4 cups of water-(4 cawan air)
1 tsp fenugreek-(1 sudu kecil halba)
1 tiny slice ginger-(1 hirisan halia)
1 -2 shallots sliced-(1-2 bawang merah dihirs)
4 pandan leaves-(4 daun pandan)
salt to taste-(garam secukup rasa)

Just cook like usually cook rice. However you need to take care of them, checking if there is enough water because the coconut milk tends to turn oil and make the rice 'sandy'. If the rice is not cooked after the button pop up, try add some water and cook again. If at all failed, then try steaming the rice in the steamer till cook.-(Masak nasi seperti biasa. Tapi harus selalu tengok supaya air cukup sebab santan akan bertukar keminyak dan nasi akan menjadi berbiji. Kalau nasi belum masak, bila butang ternaik, masukkan sedikit air dan tekan lagi. Kalau tak menjadi juga, kukus nasi dalm kukusan hingga masak)

Sambal Ayam Serai
1 ekor ayam ~ dibersihkan dan dipotong ikut suka (digaul bersama sedikit serbuk kunyit dan garam)-(1 whole chicken cut to preference, marinate with turmeric powder and salt)
*15-20 tangkai cili kering ~ dididihkan bersama air dan garam terlebih dahulu-(soaked and boiled with salt 15-20 dried chillies)
*5 biji bawang merah-(5 shallots)
*3 ulas bawang putih-(garlics)
*1 cm halia-(1 cm ginger)
*1 biji bawang besar-(1 large onion)
*2 batang serai-(2 lemon grass)
*2 cm kunyit hidup-( 2cm fresh turmeric roots)
*6 biji cili padi-(6 birds eye chillies)

3 batang serai ~ diketuk-(3 lemon grass bruised)
2 asam keping-(2 dried tamarind slice)
air ~ ikut suka-(water to preference)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
minyak masak-(oil)
(saya masukkan sedikit gula dlm 1-2 sudu besar)-(I added some sugar about 1-2 tbsp)

Kisar bersama bahan2 bertanda *.Panaskan minyak dlm kuali. Gorengkan ayam yang telah diperap bersama serbuk kunyit dan garam tadi hingga masak. Angkat dan ketepikan.
Kurangkan minyak, tumis bahan2 kisar dan serai hingga pecah minyak. Kacau selalu.
Tuangkan air dan masukkan asam keping. Biarkan mendidih. Perasakan dgn garam secukupnya.
Masukkan ayam dan gaul sebati. Tutupkan kuali dan biarkan seketika.Kacau sekali lagi dan padamkan api.Sedia dihidang! -(Blend *ingredients. Heat oil and deep fried chickens till cook, dish and put aside. Lessen oil and saute blended ingredients and lemon grass till oil rises up the surface. Stir always. Add in water and dried tamarind slice. Let it boil and add salt and sugar to taste. Add in chicken and mix well. Cover pan and let it for a while. Mix again and turn off heat. Ready.)


  1. Kak Ayu, I was eagerly waiting for ur post! hehehe...ur sambal looks sinfully delicious! I'm drooling right now...uhhhh!

    Tks for trying it kak...glad U liked it! :)

  2. Ayu... nasi lemak set looks good!! for me pat masak2 ni ada weak sket...if baking2 tu ok a bit ler..
    but i shall try it one of these days..

  3. love2cook - haha..yalah..sorry cant post earlier..busy..thank u love for the nice recipe!!..

    Yat Maria - samalah Yat,..kadang2 jadi kadang tak..kan..haha..trial and errorlah kira..haha..


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