Monday, January 04, 2010

Ayam Tandoori Goreng

The fried chicken tandoori, that I saw in a few blogger friends the recipe from Noreen, originally from Chef Hanieliza..bought the seasoning for this from JB.. so far have not seen this in Singapore.. also Saturday's menu.. basically Indian menulah gitu..

1 ekor ayam- dipotong kecil-(1 whole chicken cut to small pieces
1 paket rempah tandoori maggi-(1 packet tandoori maggi seasoning)
3 sudu besar cili kisar-(3 tbsp chili paste)
1 sudu besar serbuk kunyit-(1 tbsp turmeric powder)
5 sudu besar tepung goreng ayam-(saya gunakan tepung jagung)-(5 tbsp flour for frying the chicken- I used corn flour)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)

Bahan2 kisar:-(blended ingredients)
3 biji bawng merah-(3 shallots)
2 ulas bawang putih-(3 garlics)
2 inci halia-(2 inches ginger)

Gaul semua bahan dengan ayam dan perapkan selama 1/2 jam. Kemudian gorengkan sehingga garing dan kekuningan. Hidang panas.-(Mix all the ingredients to chicken and let it stand marinated for 1/2 hour. Deep fried till crispy and golden yellow. Serve hot.)
Sources:-From Noreen and Hanieliza


  1. Sedap kan Ayam Tandoori Goreng nih! Love liked it alot! ;)

  2. love2cook - sedap love, pun dah cubakan?..hehe


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