Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Yogurt Fried Chicken

Tried another chicken recipe from Love2cook...the English version you can get it there..I've copied and paste from Noreen's usual Chicken if were to fried for sure 'sold out' in my house..hehehe..the rich yogurt taste made this recipe quite a difference..Thanks Love for the recipe...keep up the good & creative new ways & recipes in frying chickens!!..muuaah!!

1 ekor ayam - dipotong kecil atau boleh guna chicken wing
1 cawan (250ml) plain yogurt

Ingredients A:
6 ulas bawang putih - ditumbuk halus
2 inci halia - ditumbuk halus
1 sudu besar serbuk paprika
1 sudu besar serbuk cayenne
garam secukup rasa
2 tangkai daun kari

Ingredients B:
1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum - boleh dicampurkan dengan sedikit tepung beras
1 sudu kecil baking powder
1 sudu besar serbuk paprika
1 sudu besar serbuk cayenne
secubit garam

jus lemon - optional

gaulkan ayam dengan bahan2 A dan plain yogurt sehingga sebati
perapkan selama 2-3 jam atau semalaman
lebih elok simpan di dalam freezer bag
gaulkan semua bahan2 B di dalam mangkuk dan masukkan ke dalam freezer bag
masukkan ayam perapan tadi dan gaulkan rata
panaskan minyak dengan banyak (deep fry)
gorengkan ayam sehingga masak dan garing
angkat dan perahkan lemon ke atas ayam jika suka
hidangkan dengan nasi lemak dan lauk pauk yang lain


  1. OMG, KakAyu...tks so much for trying the YFC dear! Looks really delicious! Glad U liked it! ;) Tks for the wonderful comments and appreciations...Love ya! :)

  2. Hello Kak, I never commented on your blog but I have checked almost all your recipes and read almost all your stories. Thanks for being a kind spot. I have this prob. when I fry chicken, it always comes out raw on the inside. Blood will ooze out when I slice and the meat still raw. I have refry or grill to cook it further. Please help


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