Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sausage Puffs

Wanted to clear off this instant puffs from my freezer space, so I made this simple sausage puffs for the boys to bring to school today... well actually more for Hasif, as he said now he dont understand why he gets hungry so easily and he just ate alot at school!!..I told him its because he is growing and his body is changing to be a man...(huhu my eldest has grown up now!!)cant believe it  I am getting old ....

Imagine he can just spent his money at least S$3-4 a day just on food..alamak I told him 'macam gini taukeh pun bankrupt' I suggested to him to tapau food from home especially when those days that he needed to stay late in school..he of course willingly agreed as it also helps for him to save some money from the allowances that I gave him every month.. I gave him one time amount of money and its up to him to juggle how much he spent and once finished its not my problem anymore!..hehehe...I guessed at this age he already knew the value of money...which the opposite for Iqram...refused to bring food from home and there's always no balance of his allowance that I gave him everyday...


  1. Kak Ayu, ada lagi tak puffs tuh??? hehehe...;)

  2. love2cook - ada yang tinggal kat monitor tu aje le love..heheh..lain kali datang lagi ya..hehe


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