Wednesday, March 03, 2010

1st Anniversary Today

Hey guys, its been a year and felt just like yesterday when I was still struggling with this blog...It happenned when my son 'willingly' wanted to create an account for me to start up with, as he saw me browsing through other people's blog and suggested me to create one..I thought 'ah its just a waste of time' and dont think I've got the time to do it and told him 'dont bother'..hehe...

I asked him what am I suppose to do with the blog? His answers was put up the pictures what you have cooked like the blogs you browsed ...anyway Ma I just made ONE for you, ok..Then he asked me what would you like to name your blog?..At that moment nothing came across me, just this 'Curlybabe Satisfaction' as, if were to put a food blog, 
this could be what my visions are 'My Satisfactions' in achiving nice food..(Ceh!..dont play2 got visions ok..hehehe)

Anyway after creating, the blog was left 'unattended' for 6 months until one day I received an email from google if the account is not active it will be considered as spam and considering to close it down...well it all started from there..

I struggled my way through, taking pictures after cooking them and asked my son to teach me how to upload images and how to type and published the entries..
As days goes by, I was 'stucked' to this blog!!!!..
The rest are history...
Now if were to ask my son, What he thinks about his mum having a blog,
his answers will be..'I shouldnt, have made one  for her!!!..
Now I cant play so long with the computer!!.haha..

At this point too, I would like to thank my friends, guests, silent readers, visitors and passers by for giving me support, love and compliments..not forgetting the 'out of tune' voices that made me almost wanted to stop blogging too..haha..
Well what I can say is that maybe that is the 'cyber culture' ...
Compliments and Condemns are parts and parcel in this blogging world..

May my visions in sharing, trying and creating new recipes wont just stop here...
Happy 1st Anniversary!!!


  1. Happy 1st Blogoversary KakAyu!!! U've just passed a milestone, more to go! ;)

    I'm so glad to know U in this cyberworld! Keep rocking! :D

  2. epi annivesary blog k.ayuuuuu! moga terus cemerlang gemilang terbilang ngan resepi2 yg besttt!!

  3. Congratulations, Ayu!
    You have passed the no. '1' mark.
    Looking forward to the many many recipes and mouthwatering pictures!
    In no time, it will be the no. '2' mark.
    This blog is a permanent print of your endless efforts to cook for your loved ones.....
    Keep it up!


  4. Ayu...1st Blogger year..keep the great recipes coming...

  5. Happy 1st annivesary to semoga ayu akan kekal berbloging sampai bila2 dengan resepi yang lebih mengancam okey. yeaaa...

  6. Congratulations!! semoga terus cemerlang blog ni ya... dn sememangnya seronok mengenali ayu walau hanya di alam maya..

    Happy 1st anniversary..

  7. epi eniberseri blog kak ayu...yeayyy dah setahun...dah berlari atau masih tatih ni???hahahaaa!!!tanye mcm orang pulak yek...

    moga tuan punye blog terus berblogging & 1 day dapatlah berkumpul2 kite semua erk....di alam maya pun dah mesra,klu jumpe sure hevox giler...

  8. Congratulation Ayu on the 1st Anniversary of a lovely blog of yours! Keep it up & never give up...!

  9. love2cook - Thank you love, you make me want to cry..huhu

    hana - terimakasih hana, blog hana adalah salah satu blog yg k ayu suka jengok masih belum ada blog lagi tau..thanks juga for being my friend..

    lin -thanks lin, wow!!..great motivations words!!..i am sooo soo touched!..hope it stays that way ya insyaallah..

    Yat maria - thanks yat..wah macam gini nak kena depan computer lagi lama nampak..hehe..

    CT Delima - thanks kak CT, insyaallah, selagi diizinkan ya kak..thanks

    Nor - terimakasih Nor, sesungguhnya jugak blog Nor adalah sumber inspirasi ayu tau..great knowing you ya Nor..

    Fiza - haha..adalah jalan jalan jatuh gitu..hehe masih lagi belajar bertatih..hehe insyaallah semuga persahabatan kita berkekalan hendaknya..thanks juga ya fiza!

    Homekreations - thank you along..insyaallah with all the friends support and love I will keep on going..

  10. Happy 1st anniversary blog Kak Ayu... keep up the good work and great recipes !!! :)

  11. Happy 1st anniversary, Ayu semoga akan datang banyak lagi resepi2 yang mengancam akan di ketengahkan.....

  12. Ijan - thanks Ijan..hopefully insyaallah ya..

    Treat & trick - thanks kak, mudah2an.. ya kak with you guys support and company..insyaallah..


Sorry I have to put the word verifications, back as there are so many spam comments...If you signed in as an Anonymous ..please leave your name as it is easier for me to address you better..Thank you ...Really appreciate it...:)