Thursday, March 04, 2010

Kerang Masak Asam

Mum's request to eat cockles..she asked to just boiled and dip in asam chili, but I told her why dont we try this recipe and in the end, she agreed they were something different and sedap...

1kg clams (wash thoroughly)-(I used cockles)-(1kg kepah basuh bersih-saya gunakan kerang)
4 pcs dried tamarind slice-rinse-(4 asam keping dibilas)
2 stalks daun selaseh- use the leaves only(I didnt put this)-(daun selaseh- saya tak letak)
2 stalks laksa leaves -(daun kesum)
4 cups water-(4 cawan air)
2 tsp salt-(2 sudu kecil garam)
2 tbsp sugar-(2 sudu besar gula)
1 lemon grass bruised-(serai dititik)

Grind:-(bahan kisar)
30 bird eyes chillies-(cili padi)
1 almond size fresh turmeric root-(kunyit hidup sebesar badam)
4 shallots-(bawang merah)
1 clove garlic-(bawang puith)
1cm shrimp paste(belacan)-(belacan)

Put all the ingredients in a pot and bring to the boil. Continue simmering till shells open up then remove from heat.-(Masukkan semua bahan2 dan didihkan. Biarkan sampai kulit kerang terbuka baru matikan api.)
Sources:-From Zarina's Homecooking Book


  1. SEdapnye kerang... eeee.... cair air liur ni... hehehe

  2. Ijan - heheh..cair..lepas tu bunyi slurp..hehe

  3. saya suka kerang niiiiii tp tak tak tahan lepas tu menggaru

  4. fuzidss -hahha..oh allergic ke?..samalah macam k ayu kalau lepas makan seafood badan gatal..tapi tak pedulik juga..kita sental aje..hehe


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