Monday, March 01, 2010

Kuih Koci Pulut Hitam


As you all know, kuih which are wrapped in banana leaves, are normally done by my mum..hehehe cause I dont really bother to learn and see how it was actually done..This time round I asked my mum to teach me how to make kuih koci cause Mr Hubby likes this kuih...well actually me too lah..I liked the soft doh when you bite the kuih goes along with the juicy sweet coconut fillings base on her humble method I learnt 'the making' ...and  I would like to just share it with you guys ya..I guessed there are other ways out there which are totally different from this, but at the moment lets keep this as my future reference ok..

Below was what I managed to do, using her method...but if you noticed no 'dadih' used or 'coconut milk gravy', which normally wrapped and steam together, cause this part, she's lazy to teach me..hehehe

Bahan untuk Inti:-(Coconut filling)
1packet kelapa parut (250g)-(1 packet grated coconut-250g)
160g gula melaka -(160g palm sugar)
11/4 cawan air -(11/4 cup water)
1 helai daun pandan-(1 screwpine leaf)
sedikit garam-(a pinch of salt)
2 sudu besar tepung gandum(diayak sikit)-(2 tbsp plain flour-sieved)

Masukkan kelapa parut, daun pandan, garam dan air gula melaka dan didihkan atas api. Bila adunan sudah agak pekat masukkan tepung gandum(tabur2kan sikit supaya tak bergentel). Masak hingga agak pekat tapi jangan sampai kering, lembab2 gitu. Angkat dan sejukkan. Bila dah sejuk buat bulat kecil2.-(Add grated coconut, screwpine leaf, salt and palm sugar syrup and put to boil. When mixture has almost thickens, add in plain flour-sprinkle slightly so as not cuddle. Cook further till slightly thickens but not dry, almost moist. Dish out and set to cool)

Bahan Untuk  Doh:-
300g tepung pulut-(300g glutinous rice flour)
110g tepung pulut hitam-(110g black glutinuos rice flour)
11/2 cawan air (anggaran)-(11/2 cup water-estimate)
1/2 cawan santan pekat-(1/2 cup coconut milk)
sedikit garam-(a bit of salt)

minyak masak secukupnya(untuk sapu diatas daun pisang)-(cooking oil for smearing on leaves)

Masukkan semua bahan2 doh, dengan air masukkan sikit2 dulu dan uli sampai tak melekat ditangan.
-(Mix all the ingreidnts for dough by adding water bit by bit and knead till it dont stick to the hands.)

 Gentel inti kelapa dan ketepikan. Lumur daun pisang dengan minyak, make sure berminyak ya supaya bila masak tak melekat didaun pisang.
-(Make small round balls and put aside. Smear banana leave with oil, make sure really oilly so that the koci wont stick to the leaves when steamed.)

 Dengan tangan yang masih berminyak, ambil segenggam doh dan letakkan diatas daun pisang tadi. Buat lekuk ditengah doh tadi, tapi jangan terlalu kedalam, agak2 aje. Bubuh inti kedalam lubang. Tutup dan bulat2 kan.
-(With your oily hand, take a half handful of dough, and place it on the leave. Make a well in the middle but not too deep. Place the coconut filling, in the hole. Cover it and make a round

 Terbalikkan permukaan yang ditutup tadi, dan ratakan sedikit supaya dia leper dan sapukan minyak masak lagi. Lipat daun pisang seperti diatas.-
(Turn the top to down, and levelled it slightly and smear with oil again. Fold banana leaves like above)

 Tutup daun pisang tadi dan lipat seperti diatas macam bungkus nasi lemak. Ulang lagi disebelah hujung seperti step yang tadi.
-(Fold the banana leaves like the above, like wrapping the nasi lemak. Repeat steps on the other side)

 Kemudian, lipat kebawah dan ulangi steps yang tadi hingga kuih koci habis dibungkus. Letakkan didalam kukusan dan kukus selama 20-30 minit atau sehingga masak.
-(Fold down and repeat the procedure till all the koci finished. Place in steamer andsteam for 20-30 minutes or till cooked)


  1. cik kak...

    rajin sungguh ko buat kuih tu... jeles ah..jadi tai-tai ni sumer boleh buat..k set tunggu pat bus stop eh? bawak 1 tupperware for me ;)

  2. Thanks my dear sis.. begitu terperinci dan ini membangkitkan semangat saya nak mencubanya

  3. Yat maria - hahah..ingat jadi tai tai senang ke?..penat hor..kerja rumah non stop ..baru nak relaks ada aje yg belum disettlekan..baik kerja dapat duit simpan and enjoy nak beli barang apa yg diingini..hehe..but i m not complaining..hehe shukur alhamdullilah..bus stop mana ni nak tunggu..

    fuzidss - problem, i share what my mum punya method..hehe..nanti dah buat kita nak tengok tau..haha

  4. Salam Kak Ayu,
    Cantik je Kak Ayu buat kuih koci tue... yang buat lubang kat tengah tu elok aje bulatnye :)


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