Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Acar Telur Burung

Quail's egg pickles, not the complete ingredients, as I ran shot of carrots ...so I missed out the carrots and just made used of what available at home...didnt use sesame seeds and candlenut too..pun boleh jugak ..

20-30 quail's eggs-hard boil and remove shell-( 20-30 biji telur burung direbus dan buang kulit)
1 medium size cucumber - peel, remove seeds and cut into 3 strips-(1 batang timun buang bijinya dan potong panjang)
1 small carrot- peel and cut into 3 strips-(1 batang carrot potong panjang)
2 tbsp  white vinegar-(2 sudu besar cuka)
2 tbsp sugar-(2 sudu besar gula)
20 pcs bird eyes chillies-red and green-(20 biji cili padi hijau dan merah)
1 tbsp sesame seeds-clean and roast in a dry pan until light brown- I didnt put-(1 sudu besar bijan disangai -saya tak letak)
salt to taste-(garam secukup rasa)
3 tbsp oil-(3 sudu besar minyak)

Grind to paste:-(Bahan2 Kisar)
4 red chillies-(4 lada merah)
10 candlenut I didnt put -(10 buah keras-saya tak letak)
4 shallots-(4 bawang merah)
4 cloves garlic-(4 biji bawang putih)
1.5cm ginger-(1.5cm halia)
1cm fresh turmeric root or 1 tsp turmeric powder-(1cm kunyit hidup atau 1 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit)

Sprinkle 1 tbsp salt over cucumber and carrot strips and leave to stand for 15 minutes then squeeze out moisture. Heat oil in a wok and fry ground ingredients until fragrant. reduce heat add vinegar, sugar and stir to mix. Put in the quail's eggs and after 1 minute, add cucumber, carot stips and bird eyes chillies. Stir to mix. Before removing from heat, sprinkle with sesame seeds.-( Taburkan 1 sudu besar garam keatas hirisan timun dan carrot dan biarkan selam 15 minit dan toskan. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan2 kisar hingga naik bau. Pelahan kan api masukkan cuka, gula dan gaul rata. Masukkan telur burung dan selepas 1 minit masukkan timun, carrot dan cili padi. Gaul rata hingga sebati. Sebelum  diangkat, masukkan bijan yang disangar tadi.)
Sources:-From Zarina Home cooking

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