Monday, March 22, 2010

Kuih Jagung Bakar

Made this yesterday for my ex- neighbour who has just lost her mother..they had a 7 days tahlil prayers, so this was my 'oleh -oleh' for the makan- makan...Recipe was from Kak Wan the expert in making traditional kuih......the measurements below was based on her previous ones...she already adjusted the new measurements you can check it there ya...I leave it up to you to use which one ok..

My mum comments was very nice...not too sweet for this corns did not float like the original..maybe the cream corn that I used was half time can do this again..Mr Hubby who dont like corn also said ..Sedap!..

500g tepung gandum-saya ayak -(500g plain flour-I sieved)
5 biji telur-(5 eggs)
1 tin jagung dalam tin-(1 can cream corn )
1 mangkuk sederhana gula pasir-saya gunakan 1 cawan -(1 medium size bowl sugar-i used 1 cup sugar)
2 mangkuk santan-saya gunakan 500ml + 130ml-(2 bowl coconut milk-I used 500ml +130ml)
sedikit minyak sapi-(some ghee oil)
sedikit garam-(some salt)
sedikit pewarna kuning-(some yellow colouring)

Masukkan tepung gandum dalam sebuah bekas kemudian campurkan dengan telur, santan, gula, sedikit garam dan pewarna kuning. Kacau adunan sehingga tidak bergentel2. Sesudah itu masukkan jagung manis dan kacau lagi sehingga rata. Sapukan acuan pembakar dengan sedikit minyak sapi. Tuangkan adunan kedalamnya dan bakar sehingga masak-(saya bakar selama 50 minit @ 175C)-terserah nak kerak macam mana.-(Combine flour, eggs, coconut milk, sugar, some salt and some yellow colouring in a bowl. Fold mixture till incorporated and not lumpy. Add in cream corn and mix well. Grease mould with some ghee oil. Pour mixture into moulds and bake till cook- I baked for 50 minutes@ 175C-depends on how well the crisp you want)


  1. saya suke-sukeeeeee. Suka jagung

  2. Sedap nampak kuih bakar, my favorite too..

  3. fuzidss - masuk list fuzidss..hehehe

    TREAT & TRICK - kita pun semenjak dua menjak ni suka kuih bakar..dulu tak reti makan..hahaha


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