Monday, March 08, 2010

Sambal Telur Rawa

Didnt cook lunch yesterday as we had attended a wedding invitation..although we were given a packet of 'tapau' nasi beriani...still it wasnt enough for the whole family to eat for dinner..hehe..and also Mr Hubby definitely wanted something else for made this simple sambal egg which I thought fast enough to cook and prepare...recipe from princessharyati which I've got loooong time ago..thanks Yat, I posted here ya..

telur rebus-(hard boiled eggs)
asam keping-(dried tamarind slice)
sos tiram-(oyster sauce)

Bahan kisar-(Blended ingredients):-
cili api-(bird eyes chillies)
bawang besar-(large onion)

Telur dibelah dua dan digoreng terlebih dahulu. Angkat. Tumiskan bahan yang telah diblend tadi sehingga garing, masukkan sos tiram dan asam keping, dan masukkan sedikit air. Kacau sehingga sebati dan kemudian masukkan telur yang telah digoreng tadi. Masak seketika. Siap untuk di santap.-(Cut boiled eggs to halves and fried them, dish out and drained. Saute blended ingredient till oil rises up the surface and add in oyster sauce, dried tamarind slice and some water. Stir well till incorporated and add in fried boiled eggs. Let it simmer for a while and turn off heat. Ready to serve.)

1 comment:

  1. very nice post keep it up!
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