Friday, March 05, 2010

Nasi Ayam Belanga & Sayur Chap Chye

 Its Friday again!..How time flies...Made this since auntie comes in today...first time heard of this 'Nasi Ayam Belanga', ('Claypot Chicken Rice'?)..but since I dont have claypot I just use rice cooker ler..hehe..Sedap jugak tau the taste...thought of making another type of flavoured rice, since Mr Hubby wont be home for dinner tonight, but some of the ingredients not available so decided on this..

Hasif wont be back today,as he got some  'Leadership Camping', will only be back tomorrow..this is the first time my son will be sleeping outside from the house..huhu...just cant believe son has grown up..
Anyway browsed thru Noreen's blog, came across a few chicken rice recipes terbekenan yang ni pulak..hehe. Thanks Noreen I post the recipe here ok..

2 cawan beras-(2 cups rice)
1/2 ekor ayam dipotong kecil-(1/2 chicken cut small)
1 sudu besar minyak bijan-(1 tbsp sesame oil)
2 sudu besar kicap manis-(2 tbsp sweet soy sauce)
1 batang serai dititik-(1 lemon grass bruised)
2 helas daun pandan disimpul-(2 screwpine leaves tie to knot)
air secukupnya untuk merebus ayam dan dijadikan stok masak nasi-(water for boiling the chicken and to be use for stock in cooking the rice)
2 sudu besar minyak sapi/marjerin-(2 tbsp ghee oil/ margerine)

Bahan2 tumbuk:-(Grind ingredients)
1cm halia-(1cm ginger)
3 ulas bawang putih-(3 garlics)

Bahan2 rempah:-(Spices Ingredients)
3 kuntum bunga cengkih-(3 cloves)
2 kuntum bunga lawang-(2 star anise)
1 batang kulit kayu manis-(1 cinnamon stick)
3 biji buah pelaga-(3 cardamons seeds)
1/2 sudu teh jintan manis-(1/2 tsp fennel powder)
1/2 sudu teh jintan putih-(1/2 tsp cumin powder)

Rebuskan ayam dengan garam dan serai sehingga empuk, angkat dan toskan. Simpan stok ayam untuk memasak nasi. Perapkan ayam dengan bahan2 tumbuk, minyak bijan dan kicap manis sekejap. Panaskan minyak sapi, tumiskan bahan2 rempah sehingga naik bau. Masukkan beras dan kacau rata. Bolehlah dialihkan beras kedalam rice cooker dan tutupkan. Apabila nasi sudah hampir masak bolehlah diletakkan ayam dan daun pandan. Biarkan sebentar dan kacau2kan supaya masak sekata.Lebihan stok ayam tadi boleh lah dibuat sup. Hidangkan dengan sup, kicap cair, kuah cili atau makan begitu saja.-(Boil chicken with salt and lemon grass till cooked. Dish out and drained. Put chicken stok aside for rice later on. Marinate chicken with gind ingredients, sesame oil adn sweet soy sauce for a while. Heat ghee oil, saute spices ingredients till fragrant. add in rice and stir well. Transfer all the rice ingredients to rice cooker, cover and let it cook as usual. Whenrice are almost cooked, place chicken and screwpine leaves in. Let it for a while and stir till incorporated but not too much. The balnce for chicken stock can be used for soup. Serve with soup, light soy sauce, chili gravy or on its own.)
Sources:-From  & ASAL dari buku resepi traditional keluarga

Kuah Cili (Chili Gravy)
Ingredients Untuk kuah cili:-
15 biji cili hidup-(15 red chillies)
5 ulas bawang putih-(5 garlics)
1 ibu jari halia-(1 thumb size ginger)
15 biji limau kasturi- ambil jus(boleh juga guna limau nipis)-(15 lime juice can also use kaffir lime)
3/4 cawan air masak-(3/4 cup boiled water)
1 sudu teh garam-(1 tsp salt)
1/2 cawan gula-(1/2 cup sugar)

Kisar bawang putih, halia dan cili hidup bersama2 dengan jus limau, garam dan gula. Kemudian masukkan air masak, kisar lagi. Tambahkan garam dan gula jika kurang. Hidangkan bersama2 dengan nasi ayam dan kuah sup.-(Blend garlics, ginger, red chillies, lime juice, salt and sugar. Add in boiled water and blend again. Add salt and sugar if necessary. Serve with chickn rice and chicken soup.)

I made the Chap Chye to go along with the chicken rice..since I dont have those vegetables that are in the recipe, I just cooked base on what available in the can use your own preferred veggies if you want to..

Sayur Chap Chye
1 ikat sayur sawi, dipotong selebar 3 inci-(chye sim cut to 3 inches length)
2 packet jagung muda, dibelah 2-(2 packets of young corn halves)
1 biji kobis yang kecil  dipotong selebar 2 inci-(1 small cabbage cut to 2 inches length)
6 ekor udang-( prawns)
1 biji bawang besar dihiris-( 1 large onion sliced)
3 ulas bawang putih dicincang-(3 garlics chopped)
4 sudu besar sos tiram-(4 tbsp oyster sauce)
1/2 cawan air-(1/2 cup water)
sedikit bancuhan tepung jagung-(a bit of corn flour mixture)
sedikit minyak untuk menumis-(a bit of oil for saute)

Panaskan minyak dalam kuali dan tumis bawang putih sehingga naik bau. Masukkan pula bawang besar dan udang. Bila udang telah masak, masukkan sos tiram dan juga air. Masukkan pula kobis dan jagung muda. Gaul rata. Bila telah setengah masak masukkan sawi. Gaul hingga sebati. Masukkan pula bancuhan tepung jagung untuk memekatkan kuahnya. Sedia untuk dihidang.-(Heat oil and saute garlics till fragrant. Add in onion and prawns and stir till cooked. Add in oyster sauce and water. Add in cabbage and young corn. Stir well. When half cooked add in chye sim. Add in corn flour mixture to thickens the gravy. Turn off heat ready to serve.)


  1. slm Ayu..

    bagus you post resepi2 nasi..sukerrrr I...boleh try2 resepi far nasi yg I perna masak is nasi putih (ya la saper yg tak tau masak nasi biasakan?) and nasi minyak..lain2 tu belum try lagik, so ni kali kalau ada tamu bolehlah try kan?


  2. salam k.Ayu...sht?selamat brhari mggu...msk apa spesel arini?

  3. nak cari belanga, nak cari belanga

  4. Yat Maria - walkslm, hahah..aah i masak nasi berperisa ni, kalau hb tak balik makan..sebab dia tak suka sangat nasi2 jenis gini..aah bolehlah try kalau ada tamu datang for you..

    azatiesayang - walkslm, thank u..normally hujjung minggu k ayu tak masak..kita makan kat luar or beli balik..kalau masak pun simple2 aje.hehhe

    fuzidss - hahah..tak payah cari belanga k ayu pakai rice cooker aje..hehehe..tak reti pakai belanga takut hangus..hahahh..


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