Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rich Double Chocolate Brownies

Wow, by the time this entry being posted its already Wednesday morning...Should have posted earlier, but
got to sit down with the kids with their homework , so this was the delayed entry..Mid year exams are around the choice I have to look at what they are I can only blog when time permits or as when I can.. so please pardon me if my entries come in at irregular times.. Ok..:-(

Made this during the weekend..just for fun... miss baking actually so I made just for 1 tray..

237g melted butter -(237g mentega cair)
11/4 cups white sugar-I used 1 cup also quite sweet already so please adjust ya.)-(11/4 cawan gula- saya gunakan 1 cawan saja itu pun dah manis-so please adjust ya)
1/2 cup brown sugar-(1/2 cawan gula brown)
3/4 cup quality cocoa powder-(3/4 cawan serbuk koko)
2 eggs-(2 telur)
1 tsp vanilla -(1 sudu kecil vanilla)
1/2 tsp salt-(1/2 sudu kecil garam)
11/4 cups flour-(11/4cawan tepung)
1/2 tsp baking powder-(1/2 sudu kecil baking powder)
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips-(1 cawan chocolate chips)
1/2 cup chopped pecans-I didnt add this-(1/2 cawan kacang pikan-saya tak letak ni)

Preheat oven to 175C. Grease 9x9 inch cake pan. Other sized cake pan can be substituted, but a larger pan will result in thinner brownies, so reduce the heat to 160C.
Melt butter in a medium saucepan. Stir in sugars, coca powder, eggs and vanilla. Once fully incorporated, add salt, flour and baking powder. Mix. Last add chocolate chips and nuts(if desired).
Bake for about 25-30 minutes, or until a knife inserted into centre comes out almost clean. Top should be crusty and sides should be separated from the pan.-(Panaskan oven hingga ke 175C. Sapukan mentega ke loyang 9x9 inci.Kalau lingin menggunakan oyang bersize besar ia akan menghasilkan brownies yang nipis, jadi turunkan suhu ke160C.
Cairkan mentega didalam periuk. Angkat.  Kacau dan masukkan gula, gula brown, serbuk koko, telur dan vanilla. Bila sudah sebati, masukkan garam, tepung dan baking powder. Kacau rata. Akhir sekali masukkan chocolate chips dan kekacang(kalau nak letak). Bakar selama 25-30 minit atau bila masukkan lidi ia hampir bersih. Atas seharusnya garing sikit dan tepi seharusnya longka dari loyang)


  1. kog - haha..buat brownies, senang sikit..hehe

  2. love2cook - Hi there love, oh ya ke?..what a coincident..kalau crack normally, yes the temperature is bit too high ..maybe because your oven is new, so next time, you have to watch out for the temperature as you go along..

    yes of course, lah love, kalau fried chicken recipe, i go to your blog first!!..thank you to you too!!

  3. skrg ni baru day 15th berpantang..agak2 dh sihat sket, tak sabar nak cuba resepi brownies akak ni...masa tgh sarat lagi, kempunan nak makan tau...huhuhu...

  4. safuan - oh masih dlm pantang lagi ya..cubalah safuan tapi be reminded gulanya safuan kena adjust ikut kemanisan safuan ya..sebab akak buat ni walaupun dah kurangkan sukatan gulanya tu masih manis lagi for my family....nanti kalau dah buat feedback mcm mana ya..


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