Monday, April 19, 2010

Buncis Masak Pati Santan

Ok, I am back!...Saturday vegetable and gravy dish...slightly different from the normal lemak putih, this one I added lemongrass in it...

100g french beans-slice diagonally-(100g kacng buncis dipotong serong)
100g shrimps- remove shell and devein-(100g udang buang kulit dan urat)
1/2 bundle bean thread vermicelli soaked-(1/2 cekak soo hoon direndam)
1 lemon grass bruised-(1 serai dititik)
1/2 cups coconut milk-(1/2 cawan santan)
1/2 cup water-(1/2 cawan air)
2 shallots slice thinly-(2 bawang merah dihiris nipis)
2 garlics sliced thinly-(2 bawang putih dihiris nipis)
1 red chilli sliced-(1 batang lad merah dihiris serong)
1 green chilli sliced-(1 lada hijau dihiris serong)
salt and msg to taate-(garam dan peras secukupnya)
2 tbsp oil-(2 sudu besar minyak)

Heat oil, fry sliced ingredients and lemongrass till fragrant. Add french beans, fry 2-3 minutes add in bean thread vermicelli and shrimps. Stir well. Add in coconut milk and salt. bring to boil. Turn off heat.-(Panaskan minyak, tumis bahan2 hiris dan serai hingga naik bau. Masukkan kacang buncis, goreng selam 2-3 minit dan masukkan soo hoon dan udang. Kacau rata. Masukkan santan, air dan garam/serbuk perasa dan biarkan mendidih. Matikan api.)


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