Monday, April 19, 2010

Dendeng Berlado

If I were to go to Hajah Maimunah Restaurant for lunch, I would order their dendeng. A piece of dendeng there is about S$2 the size of half of our palm.. When I saw this recipe, with the red chillies 'tertenggek'(sitting nicely) ontop of the dendeng, I decided to give it a try....Sungguh2 lah tak mengecewakan, in fact when I made this I only used 500g of beef, tak cukup pulak...will definitely  make this again..ermm maybe I can make this for Hasif, when he will be going to Shanghai for 10 days for the educational trip in May..

1kg daging lembu(dalam bentuk ketulan)-(1kg beef- in cubes form)
2 batang serai(diketuk)-(2 lemongrass bruised)
1/2 helai daun kunyit-(1/2 turmeric leaf)
2 helai daun limau perut-(2 kaffir leaves)
sedikit garam-(salt)

10 biji lada merah-(10 red chillies)
2 biji bawang besar-(2 large onions)
3 biji bawang putih-(3 garlics)
3 biji buah tomato-(3 tomatoes)

Rebus daging dengan serai, daun kunyit, daun limau perut dan sedikit garam hingga empuk. hiriskan tipis dan goreng hingga garing seperti keropok dan ketepikan. Tumbuk semua bahan untuk sambal kasar2. Tumiskan dengan sedikit minyak bahan2 sambal ini hingga naik  minyak, gaulkan daging yang telah digoreng garing. Kalau inginkan dendeng ini tetap garing, simpanlah dibekas yang berlainan dengan ditutup rapat. Gaulkan sambalnya apabila hendak dihidangkan. Sesuai untuk dibawa keluar negeri.-(Boil beef together with lemongrass, turmeric leaf, kaffir leave and some salt till cook. Slice thinly and fry like 'keropok' and dish out. Ground all sambal ingredients coarsely. Saute with little oil till oil rises up the surface. Mix in fried beef. 
If preferred the dendeng to be crispy, keep separately in an airtight container. Mix the sambal when serving. Suitable to bring to overseas.)
Sources:-Siti Aminah Siregar

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