Monday, April 19, 2010

Mee Hoon Ala Hong Kong

Yesterday's can add in your own favourite base ingredients, like for me, I added sliced beef and  fish cakes. garnish with fried shallots and picked chillies...Upload this first, be back later..

1 pkt mee hoon -direndam dan toskan-(1 packet mee hoon soaked and drained)
20 ekor udang hidup-(20 prawns)
250g dada ayam dipotong kecil-(250g chicken breast cut small)
6 ulas bawang putih-dicincang -(5 garlics chopped/minced)
3 sudu besar kicap pekat-(3 tbsp black soy sauce)
2 sudu besar sos tiram-(2 tbsp oyster sauce)
3 biji telur-(3 eggs)
sawi-(chye sim sliced)
kobis-(cabbage sliced)
lobak merah-(carrots)
5 keping cendawan kering- direndam dan potong kecil (ambil airnya)1/2 cawan air -saya tak letak ni sebab tak ada stok-( 5 dried mushroom-soaked and sliced thinly(take the water) about 1/2 cup- I didnt add this casue no stock)
secukup lada putih, garam, perasa-(pepper, salt and msg to taste)
minyak bijan-saya gunakan minyak biasa aje -(sesame oil- I used the normal oil)

Tumis bawang putih, masukkan udang dan ayam, biarkan masak. Masukkan sos tiram, kicap pekat, garam, perasa, lada putih dan gaul rata. Masukkan telur, biarkan sebentar, masukkan sayur, cendawan dan air. Masukkan mee hoon, biarkan hingga lembut dan masak.-(Saute garlics and add in prawns and chicken , let it till cook. Add in oysters sauce, black soy sauce, salt, msg and pepper and stir well.. Add in eggs, let it for a while, add in vegetables, mushroom and water. Add in mee hoon and stir till soft and cooked. )
Sources:- From Tania Aris

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