Friday, April 16, 2010

Japanese Pancakes - Apam Jepun

Made this Japanese pancakes (Apam Jepun) again.. I used the apam mould that I bought the other day...I just love this snacks..really fallling in love with it!!!!...huhuh...this time really looked like those sold in Jollibean counters in the shopping centres....hehehe...on how to bake it you can see it  here..

Still I added Nutella for the filling as I thought of adding the red bean filllings but  I already used for the kuih lapis kacang merah the other help yourself with one each OK..

25g mentega-(butter)
75g gula-( sugar)
250g tepung gandum-(plain flour)
2 biji telur-(eggs)
300ml air(dimasak dgn 6 helai daun pandan)-sejukkan-(water boiled with 6 pandan leaves)-leave to cool
1/2 sudu besar yis mauripan(dibancuh & dikacau dgn sedikit air)-(1/2 tbsp yeast-mixed with some water)
1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat-( 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda)
1/2 sudu teh garam-( 1/2 tsp salt)
sedikit pewarna kuning-( some yellow colourings)

Telur & gula dipukul sebentar, kemudian masukkan butter dan pukul lagi. Masukkan tepung, air, yis, garam, bikarbonat & pewarna-pukul lagi hingga kembang dan sebati. (masukkan dalam blender jer). Acuan disapukan dengan sedikit minyak. Ambil 1 sudu makan adunan lalu dituangkan dalam acuan- agak2 nampak keluar gelembung terus masukkan sedikit inti kacang. Kemudian tuangkan lagi dengan lagi adunan sehingga penuh acuan. Biarkan masak hingga kekuningan dan bolehlah diangkat. -(Beat eggs and sugar for awhile. Add in butter and beat again. Add in flour, water, yeast, salt, bicarbonate of soda & colouring and beat again till fluffy and creamy. (just put everyhting in blender easier). Grease some oil to moulds. Add in 1 spoonful of mixture. When mixture has 'rise' add in filling. Add another spoonful of mixture to cover. Let it cook till yellowish and ready.)


  1. Aisehmen...I don't have those apam moulds... ishhhhh ni yang tension nih!

  2. salam ayu...akak sukee apam nii..selalu nampak org jual..nak beli..jarang sekali..kalu teringin sgt baru beli..tq resepi akak nak try buat sdrii..

  3. Mamafami - hahah..jangan tension mama, u can use those yang similar macam tu..maybe ada jual kat baking shop.. like me earlier, I just used the muffin tray..the important is the taste..hehe

    jalilah - walkslm, cubalah kak..nanti update masuk blog k..hehe


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