Friday, April 16, 2010

Nasi Harissa

The flavoured rice, I was talking about..Nasi Harissa..dont know where  was the origin and why its called Harissa Rice,..looks and taste nice and yes there are carrots in there..another type of carrot rice I would say?..only this one no tomatoes in it, but the blended coriander stems/roots and green chillies made the difference in the taste..Sedap!!..

1kg beras beryani(air ikut padat beras dan lebihkan 100ml)-(1kg beryani rice-water to the level of the rice and add in 100ml more)

Bahan Kisar:-Blended ingredients
1 sudu teh jintan manis-(1 tsp fennel powder)
3cm halia-(3cm ginger)
10 biji bawang putih-(10 garlics)

3 biji bawang besar (dihiris)-(3 large onions sliced)
500g lobak merah(diparut kasar)-(500g shredded carrots)
2-3 daun ketumbar(ambil batangnya, dibersihkan dan kisar bersama 5 batang lada hijau)-(2-3 sprigs coriander leaves-take the stems/roots, washed, cleaned and blended with 5 green chillies)
2 jari kulit kayu manis-(2 fingers size cinnamon stick)
6 kuntum bunga cengkih- (6 cloves)
10 biji buah pelaga-(10 cardamons)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
bawang goreng -(fried shallots)
serbuk perasa(jika perlu)-(msg if needed)
minyak/mentega untuk menumis-(oil/ butter for saute)

Beras dicuci bersih. Gaul dengan lobak merah dan toskan hingga kering. Panaskan minyak dengan api kecil dan tumis bawang besar hingga layu. Masukkan kayu manis, cengkih dan pelaga. Masukkan lada hijau yand dikisar dengan batang ketumbar tadi. Tumis hingga garing. Masukkan air dan garam. Apabila mendidih, masukkan beras yang digaul dengan lobak, lalu tanak hingga masak. Setelah masak, masukkan daun ketumbar yang dipetik2 dan bawang goreng. Tutup periuk rapat2. Setelah beberapa minit,kacau dan masak hingga tanak. Hidangkan dengan lauk pauknya.-(wash rice clean. Mix with carrots and drained. Heat oil using low heat and saute onions till soft. Add in cinnamon stick, cloves and cardamons. ASdd in blended green chillies and coriander roots/stem. Let it till oil rises up. Add in water and salt. When boiling, add in rice & carrots mixture and let it simmer till cook.(I  transfered to rice cooker at this point). When cooked add in coriander leaves, and fried shallots. Cover lid. After a few minutes, stir and let it continue to cook. Serve with dishes.)
Sources:-From Hawa Ismail@ resipi pesta perut.


  1. Nasi Harissa???? kak gerau selalui kantoi kalau bab masak nasi spesis ni. mesti terkeras atau terlembik.

  2. geraugebang - selalunya, kalau masak beras beriyani, 3 cawan beras = 4 cawan air, that what I normally do..
    tapi tengok jugak berasnya macam mana..


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