Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tomato Fish

Kids menu, not hot although the colour looks red!..recipe was taken from Kak Palatable, thank you kak for the simple yet nice recipe.

500g fish slices-(I used dory fish fillet)-(500g isi ikan-saya gunakan isi ikan dory)
2 tomatoes chopped-(2 tomato potong dadu)
2 big onion chopped-(2 bawang besar potong dadu)
2 cloves garlics minced-( 2 bawang putih kisar)
1 tsp ginger paste-(1 sudu kecil halia kisar)
2 tbsp chili powder(adjust to taste)-(2 sudu besar serbuk cili-adjust ikut selera)
1/2 tsp turmeric powder-(1/2 sudu kecil kunyit serbuk)
2 tbsp tomato ketchup-(2 sudu besar sos tomato)
salt to taste-(garam secukup rasa)
lemon juice-(jus lemon)
1/2 - 1 cup water-(1/2- 1 cawan air)

Marinate cleaned fish with turmeric, salt and lemon juice for 5 minutes. Heat 3 tbsp of oil add onion and fry until light brown. Add ginger and garlics paste cook until fragrant. Add the tomatoes and salt, cook till tomatoes are soft. Add chilli powder, tomato ketchup and water, bring to boil. Add fried fish and simmer for a few minutes, remove from heat.-(Perap, ikan yang telah dibersihkan dengan kunyit, garam & jus lemon selama 5 minit. Panaskan 3 sudu besar minyak, masukkan bawang dan tumis hingga perang. Masukan halia dan bawang putih kisar dan tumis hingga naik bau. Masukkan toamto dan garam, masak hingga tomato layu. Masukkan serbuk lada, sos tomato dan air dan biarkan hingga mendidih. Masukkan ikan yang telah digoreng dan biarkan ia renih seketika. Matikan api. siap.)
Sources:- From


  1. Thanks Ayu sudah cuba, nampak aje merah tapi tak pedas pun....

  2. treat & trick - aah kak, thanks again for the recipe ya..


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